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Applications for 2024 100 Best Fleets in the Americas are Now Open

NAFA Fleet Management Association

In celebration of remarkable achievements in fleet operations spanning the Americas, NAFA Fleet Management Association (NAFA), the foremost membership association in the vehicle fleet industry, is excited to unveil the launch of applications for the prestigious 2024 100 Best Fleets in the Americas competition. This year's competition will distinguish the top 100 Commercial Fleets and the top 100 Public Fleets, honoring outstanding fleet professionals with well-deserved accolades. In addition, NAFA will award two important individual awards: the Fleet Professional of the Year Award and the Fleet Technician of the Year. The competition is open to all fleets situated in North, Central, or South America. “This competition is a testament to the dedication and innovation prevalent in our community," said Mike Camnetar, CAFM, NAFA Board President and Fleet Services Manager at General Mills, Inc. “I encourage all eligible fleets to join us in this pursuit of excellence. The 2024 100 Best Fleets promises to be a platform where outstanding accomplishments and best practices shine. May this competition inspire all of us to reach new heights in advancing the standards of fleet management.” Applications for the 2024 100 Best Fleets contest will be open through Friday, January 26, 2024. Additional details and the online application can be found here. The winners of the 100 Best Fleets contest will be announced at the 2024 NAFA Institute & Expo (I&E) taking place April 22-24, 2024, in San Antonio, TX. The three day conference offers a blend of education, impactful conversations, networking opportunities, and products and services from the industry’s leading suppliers. More information about I&E can be found here. NAFA Fleet Management Association is the membership organization for professionals who manage the mobility requirements of vehicle fleets that include commercial, public safety, trucks, and buses of all types and sizes, and a wide range of military and off-road equipment for corporations, governments, universities, utility fleets, and law enforcement in North America and across the globe. NAFA’s members are responsible for the specification, acquisition, maintenance, repair, fueling, risk management, and remarketing of more than 4.8 million vehicles that drive an estimated 84 billion miles each year. NAFA’s members control assets and services well above $122 billion each year. For more information, please visit, and communicate with NAFA on LinkedIn, Facebook, and X. Contact Details Keaveny Hewitt +1 919-622-5276 Company Website

December 06, 2023 01:30 PM Eastern Standard Time

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Firebird Metals advancing PFS on manganese sulphate production

Firebird Metals Ltd

Firebird Metals Ltd (ASX:FRB, OTC:FRBMF) MD Peter Allen tells Proactive the company continues to efficiently progress key activities in China as it works towards becoming a near-term producer of battery-grade manganese sulphate. The company recently provided an update on the progress of its China-based manganese sulphate and lithium manganese iron phosphate (LMFP) battery strategy, having assembled its in-country team and commenced key workstreams. The company has appointed experienced pre-feasibility study (PFS) and engineering design experts and the PFS is underway. Preliminary engineering design and the PFS are expected to be completed late in the first quarter of 2024. Allen said: “We continue to make excellent strides with our LMFP battery strategy and look forward to executing a busy 12-month work program, which once completed, will place the company in a strong position to grow into a near-term producer of battery-grade high-purity manganese sulphate.” Contact Details Proactive Investors Proactive Australia Pty Ltd +61 431 597 771

December 06, 2023 01:30 PM Eastern Standard Time

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DeFi-protocol ERD lanceert USDE Stablecoin-protocol voorafgaand aan een mijncampagne

Ethereum Reserve Dollar

Ethereum Reserve Dollar ( ERD ), het gedecentraliseerde kredietprotocol, lanceerde vandaag, na bijna een jaar in ontwikkeling te zijn geweest, het USDE Stablecoin-protocol. ERD is een kredietplatform waarmee gebruikers USDE kunnen lenen, een aan USD gekoppelde stablecoin die eigen is aan het platform, en waarbij liquid staking derivatives (LSD's - liquide stakingsderivaten) en bluechip DeFi-tokens als onderpand worden gebruikt. Het protocol hanteert een minimale onderpandratio van 110%, waarbij het een evenwicht handhaaft tussen decentralisatie, kapitaalefficiëntie en prijsstabiliteit. In de snelle wereld van blockchain en cryptovaluta groeit de vraag naar volledig gedecentraliseerde stablecoins. De uitdaging was om tegelijkertijd kapitaalefficiëntie, prijsstabiliteit en decentralisatie te verkrijgen, een combinatie die moeilijk te realiseren bleek. Er zijn talloze pogingen ondernomen om stablecoins te creëren die zowel gedecentraliseerd als kapitaalefficiënt zijn. Deze inspanningen leidden echter vaak tot aanzienlijke prijsschommelingen, waardoor ontkoppeling (depegging) en ineenstorting plaatsvond. De sector heeft dus de keuze tussen kapitaalefficiëntie en decentralisatie, waarbij prijsstabiliteit een fundamentele vereiste is voor de acceptatie van elke stablecoin. Ethereum Reserve Dollar is ontworpen om deze uitdagingen aan te pakken. Het ERD-protocol is volledig gedecentraliseerd en biedt een veiligere oplossing voor de dominante gecentraliseerde en semi-gecentraliseerde stablecoins op de markt. Het maakt gebruik van onmiddellijke aflossingen om de prijspariteit te handhaven en stelt leningen veilig met behulp van een stabiliteitspool met USDE, waardoor onmiddellijke liquidatie mogelijk gemaakt wordt en de noodzaak voor curatoren om liquiditeit voor te bereiden, of deel te nemen aan een complex veilingproces, omzeild wordt. Het ERD-team maakt ook gebruik van de principes van de moderne financiële theorie om een veerkrachtiger stablecoin te creëren. Tijdens de eerste lancering ondersteunt het ERD-protocol de LSD's als onderpand. Het project zal echter het eerste kredietprotocol zijn dat onderpandondersteuning introduceert voor een groep top DeFi-altcoins, en deze introductie staat gepland voor de upgrade die in eerste kwartaal van 2024 zal plaatsvinden. Deze toevoeging heeft tot doel om $USDE te transformeren in een, door een index ondersteunde stablecoin die de marktdynamiek van het grotere Difi-ecosysteem weerspiegelt, waardoor diversificatie wordt gebruikt om de blootstelling aan de prijsvolatiliteit van afzonderlijke onderpanden te reduceren. Het ERD-team stelt met name de lancering van een governance-token uit om zich in eerste instantie te concentreren op duurzame protocolontwikkeling en -uitbreiding. Dit staat in schril contrast met de standaardpraktijken in de sector, waarvan bekend is dat ze in een vroeg stadium fondsenwervingscampagnes lanceren rond governance-tokens, ten koste van de gezondheid van het ecosysteem op de lange termijn. “De sector is nog steeds op zoek naar een haalbare oplossing voor de behoefte aan een stabiele waardeopslag in de keten die het kernprincipe van blockchain-technologie hooghoudt: decentralisatie.,” aldus Steve Hopkins, CMO bij ERD. “ERD is dit en nog veel meer; het is een oplossing die ontworpen is om een echt gedecentraliseerd reservemiddel op het Ethereum-netwerk te worden. Wij zijn van mening dat ERD een belangrijke stap voorwaarts biedt in blockchain- en DeFi-technologie. We zijn zeer verheugd om het met de wereld te kunnen delen.” Na de succesvolle lancering van het gedecentraliseerde kredietprotocol, zal het ERD-team op 7 december 2023 een twee weken durende mijnbouwcampagne lanceren. Mijners, deposanten in de stabiliteitspool en actieve leden van de gemeenschap zullen strijden om punten, die op een later tijdstip zullen worden geregistreerd en overwogen. Volg het project on Twitter, @Ethereum_ERD voor meer informatie over het ERD-protocol en het overzicht met toekomstige evenementen. Ervaar het gedecentraliseerde kredietplatform dat is gebouwd voor de onzekerheden van morgen op Over Ethereum Reserve Dollar: Ethereum Reserve Dollar (ERD) is een gedecentraliseerd kredietprotocol waarmee gebruikers in USDE kunnen lenen, een stablecoin gekoppeld aan de Amerikaanse dollar, en waarbij als onderpand gebruik gemaakt wordt van gespecificeerde LSD's en bluechip DeFi-tokens. Het biedt een minimale onderpandsratio van 110% en stelt leningen veilig met een stabiele pool van USDE en andere Ethereum-gebaseerde activa. ERD heeft tot doel de dominantie van gecentraliseerde stablecoins aan te pakken en een werkelijk gedecentraliseerd, kapitaalefficiënt alternatief te bieden. De voordelen van ERD omvatten lage variabele rentetarieven, een hoge kapitaalefficiëntie, directe aflossingen en decentralisatie. Het doel is om een echt gedecentraliseerd reservemiddel op het Ethereum-netwerk te worden. Contact Details Steve Hopkins Company Website

December 06, 2023 01:29 PM Eastern Standard Time

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1606 Corp starts campaign to bring ChatCBDW to over 3,000 CBD merchants throughout the US

1606 Corp.

1606 Corp CEO Greg Lambrecht joined Steve Darling from Proactive to share news the company has announced a significant strategic move to launch a dedicated sales team for their product, ChatCBDW, an AI-powered merchandising Chatbot designed for the CBD industry. This initiative is set to begin with a targeted email-based marketing campaign in December, with a focus on reaching over 3,000 CBD merchants across the United States. Lambrecht shared that the company has enlisted the expertise of marketing professional Derek McCarthy to lead this ambitious outreach program. The primary objective is to personally engage with every CBD company in the US and introduce them to the capabilities of ChatCBDW. The goal is to showcase how this AI-powered tool can significantly boost sales conversions and enhance customer education efforts for CBD merchants. McCarthy, who brings with him 17 years of experience in sales and marketing, as well as a deep understanding of AI technologies for communication, emphasized the team's mission to tap into the transformative potential of ChatCBDW. The sales and marketing efforts will kick off in early December through a comprehensive email marketing campaign, complemented by a national call strategy. This strategic move by 1606 Corp represents a significant step in expanding their presence and influence within the CBD industry, positioning ChatCBDW as a valuable asset for CBD merchants seeking to enhance their customer engagement and sales processes. Contact Details Proactive Canada +1 604-688-8158

December 06, 2023 01:24 PM Eastern Standard Time

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Spectra Systems bolsters bottom line with key acquisition of Cartor Holdings Limited

Spectra Systems Corporation

Spectra Systems Corporation CEO Nabil Lawandy joined Steve Darling from Proactive to share news the company has announced a significant acquisition that strengthens its position in the authentication technology sector. The company has added Cartor Holdings Limited to its portfolio in a deal worth $10.5 million. This strategic acquisition is expected to have a positive impact on Spectra Systems' profit margins, particularly in the production of polymer substrates. By integrating Cartor Holdings into the company, Spectra Systems aims to enhance its competitive position in the market, further solidifying its status as a key player in the authentication technology industry. Spectra Systems has been working closely with Cartor for the past two years to develop high-quality conventional and machine-readable polymer substrates. These substrates are essential for various applications, including printing banknotes and security documents for central banks. The acquisition of Cartor Holdings aligns with Spectra Systems' goal of streamlining its production supply chain and delivering top-notch solutions to its clients. This strategic move demonstrates Spectra Systems' commitment to innovation and growth in the authentication technology sector, ultimately benefiting its customers and shareholders alike. Contact Details Proactive Investors +1 604-688-8158

December 06, 2023 01:20 PM Eastern Standard Time

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Imugene to commence new phase 2 PD1-Vaxx bowel cancer trial

Imugene Ltd

Imugene Ltd (ASX:IMU, OTC:IUGNF) CEO Leslie Chong tells Proactive the company is preparing 10 clinical trial sites in Australia and the UK for a new PD1-Vaxx Phase 2 colorectal (CRC) cancer clinical trial set to begin in 2024. The company intends to enrol 44 patients across the six Australian and four UK sites, to participate in the study for about 18 months. The primary objective of the trial is to determine major pathological response rates, a measurement of tumour size, after treating with PD1-Vaxx but before surgery to remove any residual tumour – also known as neoadjuvant in operable CRC cancer patients. “We are excited to commence this important Phase 2 trial with PD1-Vaxx after being approached by the leading colorectal cancer oncologists from both Australia and the UK," Chong said. "The study costs are partially funded being Investigator Sponsored studies, and fall within current cash flow forecasts.” Contact Details Proactive Investors Jonathan Jackson +61 413 713 744

December 06, 2023 01:20 PM Eastern Standard Time

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Protocolo DeFi ERD lança protocolo de stablecoin USDE antes de campanha de mineração

Ethereum Reserve Dollar

Ethereum Reserve Dollar ( ERD ), protocolo descentralizado de empréstimos, lançou hoje seu protocolo de stablecoin USDE depois de quase um ano de desenvolvimento. O ERD é uma plataforma de empréstimos que permite aos usuários pegar emprestado USDE, uma stablecoin atrelada ao dólar americano nativa da plataforma, usando derivativos de staking líquido (LSDs) e tokens DeFi blue-chip como garantia. O protocolo mantém uma taxa mínima de colateralização de 110%, alcançando um equilíbrio entre descentralização, eficiência de capital e estabilidade de preço. No mundo acelerado da blockchain e das criptomoedas, a demanda por stablecoins totalmente descentralizadas está crescendo. O desafio tem sido alcançar simultaneamente eficiência de capital, estabilidade de preço e descentralização, uma combinação que tem sido difícil de se conseguir. Foram feitas inúmeras tentativas de criar stablecoins que sejam tanto descentralizadas quanto eficientes em termos de capital. No entanto, esses esforços muitas vezes levaram a flutuações significativas de preços, causando desvinculação e colapso. O setor teve que escolher entre eficiência de capital e descentralização, sendo a estabilidade de preço um requisito fundamental para a adoção de qualquer stablecoin. Ethereum Reserve Dollar foi pensado para enfrentar esses desafios. O protocolo ERD é totalmente descentralizado, oferecendo uma solução mais segura em relação às stablecoins centralizadas e semicentralizadas dominantes no mercado. Ele utiliza resgates instantâneos para manter a paridade de preço e garante empréstimos com um Pool de Estabilidade contendo USDE, o que permite liquidação imediata e elimina a necessidade de liquidadores prepararem liquidez ou se envolverem em um processo de leilão complexo. A equipe do ERD também utiliza os princípios da teoria financeira moderna para criar uma stablecoin mais resiliente. Após o lançamento inicial, o protocolo ERD suporta LSDs como garantia. No entanto, o projeto será o primeiro protocolo de empréstimos a introduzir suporte de garantia para uma cesta dos principais altcoins DeFi em sua atualização no primeiro trimestre de 2024. Essa adição visa transformar o $USDE em uma stablecoin lastreada em índice que reflete a dinâmica de mercado do ecossistema DeFi mais amplo, aproveitando a diversificação para reduzir a exposição à volatilidade do preço de garantia única. Notavelmente, a equipe do ERD está adiando o lançamento de um token de governança para se concentrar inicialmente no desenvolvimento sustentável do protocolo e na expansão. Isso contrasta fortemente com as práticas padrão do setor, que são conhecidas por lançar campanhas de arrecadação de fundos em estágios iniciais centradas em tokens de governança, em detrimento da saúde do ecossistema a longo prazo. "O setor ainda está em busca de uma solução viável para a necessidade de uma reserva estável de valor na cadeia que mantenha o princípio central da tecnologia blockchain - a descentralização," disse Steve Hopkins, CMO do ERD. "O ERD é isso e muito mais; é uma solução elaborada para se tornar um ativo de reservas verdadeiramente descentralizado na rede Ethereum. Acreditamos que o ERD representa um avanço significativo na tecnologia blockchain e DeFi. Estamos empolgados em compartilhá-lo com o mundo." Após o lançamento bem-sucedido do seu protocolo de empréstimos descentralizados, a equipe do ERD lançará uma campanha de mineração de duas semanas em 7 de dezembro de 2023. Mineradores, depositantes do Pool de Estabilidade e membros ativos da comunidade competirão por pontos, que serão registrados e considerados em uma data posterior. Para mais informações sobre o protocolo ERD e a programação dos próximos eventos, siga o projeto no Twitter em @Ethereum_ERD. Experimente a plataforma de empréstimos descentralizada criada pensando nas incertezas do amanhã em Sobre o Ethereum Reserve Dollar: Ethereum Reserve Dollar (ERD) é um protocolo descentralizado de empréstimos que permite aos usuários contrair empréstimos em USDE, uma stablecoin atrelada ao dólar americano, usando LSDs especificados e tokens DeFi blue-chip como garantia. Ele oferece uma taxa mínima de colateralização de 110% e garante empréstimos com um pool estável contendo USDE e outros ativos baseados no Ethereum. ERD tem como objetivo abordar a predominância de stablecoins centralizadas e oferecer uma alternativa verdadeiramente descentralizada e eficiente em capital. Os benefícios do ERD incluem taxas de juros variáveis baixas, alta eficiência de capital, resgates diretos e descentralização. Seu objetivo é se tornar um ativo de reserva descentralizado na rede Ethereum. Contact Details Steve Hopkins Company Website

December 06, 2023 01:08 PM Eastern Standard Time

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Protocolo DeFi - ERD lanza el protocolo de criptomoneda estable (stablecoin) de USDE antes de la campaña de minería

Ethereum Reserve Dollar

Ethereum Reserve Dollar ( ERD ), el protocolo de préstamo descentralizado, ha lanzado hoy su protocolo de criptomoneda estable (stablecoin) USDE tras casi un año de desarrollo. ERD es una plataforma de préstamos que permite a los usuarios solicitar préstamos en USDE, una criptomoneda estable nativa de la plataforma con paridad en USD, utilizando derivados de participación líquida (LSD, por sus siglas en inglés) y tokens DeFi de primer nivel como garantía. El protocolo mantiene un coeficiente mínimo de colateralización del 110 %, logrando un equilibrio entre la descentralización, la eficiencia del capital y la estabilidad de precios. En el vertiginoso mundo del blockchain y las criptomonedas, la demanda de criptomonedas estables totalmente descentralizadas es cada vez mayor. El reto ha sido lograr de forma simultánea la eficiencia del capital, la estabilidad de precios y la descentralización, una combinación que ha resultado difícil de lograr. Se han hecho numerosos intentos de crear criptomonedas estables que estén descentralizadas y a la vez sean eficientes en términos de capital. No obstante, estos esfuerzos generaban a menudo importantes fluctuaciones de precios, causando subidas y caídas. El sector se ha visto así abocado a elegir entre la eficiencia del capital y la descentralización, siendo la estabilidad de precios un requisito fundamental para la adopción de cualquier criptomoneda estable. Ethereum Reserve Dollar está diseñado para hacer frente a estos retos. El protocolo ERD está totalmente descentralizado, proporcionando una solución más segura a las criptomonedas estables centralizadas y semicentralizadas dominantes en el mercado. Aprovecha los reembolsos instantáneos para mantener la paridad de precios y garantiza los préstamos con un fondo de estabilidad que contiene USDE, lo que permite la liquidación inmediata y evita que los liquidadores tengan que preparar liquidez o participar en un complejo proceso de subasta. El equipo de ERD también utiliza los principios de la teoría financiera moderna para crear una criptomoneda estable más resistente. En su lanzamiento inicial, el protocolo ERD admite LSD como garantía. Sin embargo, el proyecto será el primer protocolo de préstamo que introduzca el soporte de garantía para una cesta de las principales altcoins DeFi en su actualización que se producirá en el primer trimestre de 2024. El objetivo de esta incorporación es transformar $USDE en una criptomoneda estable respaldada por un índice que refleje la dinámica del mercado del ecosistema DeFi en su conjunto, aprovechando así la diversificación para reducir la exposición a la volatilidad de los precios de una única garantía. En particular, el equipo de ERD está retrasando el lanzamiento de un token de gobernanza para centrarse inicialmente en el desarrollo y la expansión sostenibles del protocolo. Se trata de un marcado contraste con las prácticas habituales del sector, que se han caracterizado por lanzar campañas de recaudación de fondos en las primeras fases centradas en los tokens de gobernanza a costa de la salud del ecosistema a largo plazo. "El sector sigue buscando una solución viable a la necesidad de un depósito de valor estable en la cadena que mantenga el principio básico de la tecnología de blockchain: la descentralización", declaró Steve Hopkins, director de marketing de ERD. "ERD es esto y mucho más; es una solución diseñada para convertirse en un activo de reserva verdaderamente descentralizado en la red Ethereum. Creemos que ERD ofrece un importante paso adelante en la tecnología blockchain y DeFi. Estamos encantados de compartirlo con el mundo". Tras el exitoso lanzamiento de su protocolo de préstamo descentralizado, el equipo de ERD pondrá en marcha una campaña de minería de dos semanas el 7 de diciembre de 2023. Los mineros, los depositantes del Fondo de Estabilidad y los miembros activos de la comunidad competirán por puntos, que se registrarán y se tendrán en cuenta más adelante. Para más información sobre el protocolo ERD y el calendario de eventos, siga el proyecto en Twitter en @Ethereum_ERD. Descubra la plataforma de préstamos descentralizada creada para las incertidumbres del mañana en Acerca de Ethereum Reserve Dollar: Ethereum Reserve Dollar (ERD) es un protocolo de préstamo descentralizado que permite a los usuarios pedir prestado en USDE, una criptomoneda estable vinculada al dólar estadounidense, que utiliza LSD y tokens DeFi de primer nivel como garantía. Ofrece un coeficiente de garantía mínimo del 110 % y garantiza los préstamos con un fondo estable que contiene USDE y otros activos basados en Ethereum. El objetivo de ERD es hacer frente al dominio de las criptomonedas estables centralizadas y ofrecer una alternativa verdaderamente descentralizada y eficiente en términos de capital. Entre las ventajas del ERD se incluyen los bajos tipos de interés variable, la alta eficiencia del capital, los reembolsos directos y la descentralización. Su objetivo es convertirse en un activo de reserva verdaderamente descentralizado en la red Ethereum. Contact Details Steve Hopkins Company Website

December 06, 2023 01:02 PM Eastern Standard Time

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Matrixport Forecast Bitcoin To Hit $60,000 As Amount of Chainlink on Exchanges Drop

Total Media

Matrixport has predicted that Bitcoin will reach $60,000 in the coming months as the market prepares for the 2024 bull run. Meanwhile, data shows that Chainlink holdings on exchanges have dropped. Also, Everlodge is preparing for the next stage of its presale and could skyrocket in the coming weeks. Bitcoin (BTC) Price To Hit $60,000 in April According to Matrixport's report on December 1st, Bitcoin is on a bullish trajectory, projected to reach $63,140 by April 2024. This expected increase can be attributed to various factors. They include historical trends, mining reward halving, and favorable macroeconomic conditions. Matrixport has maintained confidence in Bitcoin price to hit $125K after the upcoming halving event. In the "Matrix on Target" report dated November 22nd, it was predicted that Bitcoin would exceed $38,000 by the end of November, with an 80% probability. Subsequently, a rally to $40,000 in December was forecasted with a 90% probability. This Bitcoin prediction is further supported by the buzz surrounding spot Bitcoin ETFs. Chainlink (LINK) Ready To Rise As Holdings on Exchanges Drop Chainlink (LINK) released an updated staking system for LINK holders on November 28th. This staking update likely made Chainlink coin holders more optimistic about the future. According to data from Santiment, the amount of Chainlink held on exchanges decreased to 15.04% of Chainlink's total supply. This level was last recorded in February 2020. Analysts have projected a possible Chainlink price following the drop in available LINK tokens on exchanges. They explained it would lead to a decrease in the pressure to sell the asset. The Chainlink price chart has already been bullish. The price of Chainlink has increased by 33.5% on the monthly chart. Chainlink token is currently stuck between the $13.85 and $15.21 price range. Everlodge (ELDG): Own Properties in Miami and Dubai Aside from Bitcoin and Chainlink, Everlodge (ELDG) has also gained the attention of the crypto space, thanks to its utility and use case. Everlodge has reshaped the real estate industry by introducing an innovative approach to property trading. Traditionally, ownership of luxurious villas in prime locations like Miami and Dubai was limited to a privileged few. However, Everlodge's platform has revolutionized this landscape. It has broadened access to luxury property investments, thanks to its unique NFT fractional ownership model. Additionally, Everlodge has included artificial intelligence to enhance the functionality of its marketplace. The AI tool was designed to monitor real estate trends worldwide. Real-time property value information for particular areas will be provided by the tool. Furthermore, it will assist in identifying markets with great potential as well as those that are undervalued. By representing a user's share in a property, Everlodge uses NFTs to simplify real estate transactions. Priced at $0.025, Everlodge's native token, ELDG, has entered its seventh presale stage. It has benefits like discounts and staking incentives. Its price is expected to rise to $0.50 by 2024's first quarter, according to experts. This prediction is supported by Everlodge's integration into the vast $280 trillion global real estate market. For more information, please visit the Everlodge website. Contact Details Everlodge Media

December 06, 2023 01:00 PM Eastern Standard Time

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