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kevin. triunfa con la primera transacción NFC de cuenta a cuenta en iPhone


En un evento innovador destinado a trastornar el panorama de los pagos en tiendas, kevin., pionero en tecnología de pagos, ha realizado con éxito la primera transacción NFC de cuenta a cuenta en un iPhone. Vídeo de la transacción: enlace En un mundo financiero donde la conveniencia y la seguridad son primordiales, kevin. ha establecido un nuevo pináculo al ejecutar el primer pago NFC de cuenta a cuenta que no es Apple Pay en un iPhone. Este salto tecnológico sigue la presión de la Comisión Europea sobre Apple para democratizar el acceso a NFC. Esto llega después de años en los que el estricto control de Apple sobre la tecnología NFC en dispositivos iOS había sofocado la competencia de terceros. Pavel Sokolovas, cofundador de kevin., articula la magnitud de este momento: “Superar las barreras finales de los pagos NFC en dispositivos iOS representa un verdadero momento trascendental. Estamos inmensamente orgullosos de ser los primeros en proporcionar transacciones de cuenta a cuenta utilizando NFC de Apple, dando a los consumidores el poder de elegir cómo pagan.” En enero de 2022, kevin. hizo olas al habilitar este método de pago innovador para los usuarios de Android, un movimiento elogiado por su originalidad y empuje hacia un ecosistema de pagos abierto. Ahora, con los cambios regulatorios en marcha, kevin. obtuvo rápidamente la autorización bajo el Programa de Derechos NFC de Apple y se embarcó en el desarrollo en su entorno controlado. Justamente seis semanas después del lanzamiento del programa de Apple, kevin. celebró la ejecución exitosa de la transacción experimental en modo de desarrollo, preparando el escenario para lo que podría revolucionar las interacciones en el punto de venta (POS). Sokolovas delineó el viaje técnico: “Hemos estado desarrollando rigurosamente dentro del marco arquitectónico de Apple. Nuestro equipo trabajó incansablemente para integrar nuestra solución técnica de kevin. dentro de la emulación de tarjeta anfitrión (HCE) de Apple, incluyendo estándares de seguridad, validación de transacciones y mucho más para crear una experiencia sin fisuras que permita a los usuarios realizar transacciones desde sus aplicaciones bancarias o de billetera.” La Comisión Europea continúa monitoreando los comentarios de los primeros desarrolladores como kevin. mientras anticipa el inicio oficial de una implementación más amplia de NFC. Este escrutinio subraya la dedicación de la Comisión para fomentar la innovación y la competencia equitativa en la esfera de pagos móviles. Mirando hacia el futuro, la industria anticipa un aumento en soluciones de pago similares tras este éxito inicial. kevin. de hecho ha establecido un precedente dominante, prometiendo un mercado abierto donde los consumidores ya no están limitados por plataformas de pago específicas del dispositivo — una reconfiguración fundamental de cómo se realizan transacciones en todo el mundo. kevin. es una empresa de tecnología visionaria que está reformando los sistemas de pagos para las necesidades del mañana. Desde sus oficinas centrales en Europa hasta la reciente expansión en el bullicioso centro financiero de Dubái, la misión de kevin. ha sido consistente: ofrecer tecnología de punta a punta confiable y ahorros significativos en tarifas por transacción sin cambiar la forma en que las personas pagan. La introducción de su red de aceptación de pagos multiarrendataria y agnóstica de la marca marca un cambio significativo para consumidores y empresas por igual, otorgando autonomía y valor sin los impedimentos de la tecnología heredada. Descargar: logotipo de Kevin, imagen de Pavel Sokolovas y vídeo de la transacción de iOS: enlace - termina - Acerca de kevin. kevin. es una empresa de tecnología pionera con la misión de revolucionar los sistemas de pagos heredados. Con una infraestructura recién construida, kevin. hace que las transacciones sean más eficientes, seguras y convenientes tanto para ventas digitales como físicas. La red de aceptación de pagos multiarrendataria de la compañía es de etiqueta blanca, agnóstica de la marca y sin intermediarios, ofreciendo a los socios el control completo de sus procesos de pago en tienda. Esto les permite desbloquear un valor mayor a través de nuevos servicios, tasas de conversión mejoradas y lealtad de clientes reforzada. La red de kevin. redefine los pagos internacionales, asegurando una infraestructura de pago NFC de cuenta a cuenta segura y sin fisuras para terminales POS en todo el mundo. Esta innovación ofrece una experiencia de 'tap and go', compatible con dispositivos Android y iOS, haciendo los pagos internacionales tan familiares como los locales. kevin. cuenta con el respaldo de Accel, Eurazeo y otros inversores, incluyendo OTB Ventures, Speedinvest, Open Ocean y Global Paytech Venture. Compromiso con el Ecosistema El objetivo de kevin. es empoderar a todos los jugadores en el ecosistema de pago, incluyendo bancos, billeteras digitales, minoristas y otros. La compañía permite a estas entidades lanzar sus propios esquemas independientes no tarjetas o expandir sus servicios conectándose con una red existente en la plataforma de kevin. Contact Details NettResults Relaciones Públicas Nick Leighton +1 949-478-5880 Company Website

April 11, 2024 07:50 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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kevin. triomphe avec la première transaction NFC de compte à compte sur iPhone


Dans un événement révolutionnaire destiné à bouleverser le paysage des paiements en magasin, kevin., un pionnier de la technologie de paiement, a réussi la toute première transaction NFC de compte à compte sur un iPhone. Vidéo de la transaction: lien Dans un monde financier où la commodité et la sécurité sont de la plus haute importance, kevin. a établi un nouveau sommet en exécutant le premier paiement NFC de compte à compte non-Apple Pay sur un iPhone. Ce bond technologique fait suite à la pression exercée par la Commission européenne sur Apple pour démocratiser l'accès au NFC. Cela survient après des années durant lesquelles le contrôle strict d'Apple sur la technologie NFC dans les appareils iOS avait étouffé la concurrence de tiers. Pavel Sokolovas, co-fondateur de kevin., exprime l'ampleur de ce moment: « Briser les dernières barrières des paiements NFC sur les appareils iOS représente un véritable moment charnière. Nous sommes immensément fiers d'être les premiers à fournir des transactions de compte à compte en utilisant le NFC d'Apple, donnant aux consommateurs le pouvoir de choisir leur mode de paiement. » En janvier 2022, kevin. a fait sensation en activant cette méthode de paiement innovante pour les utilisateurs Android, démarche saluée pour son originalité et sa volonté vers un écosystème de paiement ouvert. Maintenant, avec les changements réglementaires en cours, kevin. a rapidement obtenu l'autorisation dans le cadre du programme d'entitlement NFC d'Apple et a commencé le développement dans leur environnement contrôlé. Juste six semaines après le lancement du programme d'Apple, kevin. célébrait l'exécution réussie de la transaction expérimentale en mode développement, préparant le terrain pour ce qui pourrait révolutionner les interactions aux points de vente (POS). Sokolovas a décrit le parcours technique: « Nous avons développé de manière rigoureuse dans le cadre architectural d'Apple. Notre équipe a travaillé sans relâche pour intégrer notre solution technique kevin. dans l'émulation de carte hôte (HCE) d'Apple, comprenant les normes de sécurité, la validation des transactions et bien plus encore pour créer une expérience transparente permettant aux utilisateurs des transactions à partir de leurs applications bancaires ou de portefeuille. » La Commission européenne continue de surveiller les retours des premiers développeurs comme kevin. tout en anticipant le démarrage officiel d'une mise en œuvre plus large du NFC. Cette surveillance souligne l'engagement de la Commission à favoriser l'innovation et la concurrence équitable dans le domaine des paiements mobiles. Le secteur anticipe une montée en flèche de solutions de paiement similaires à la suite de ce succès initial. kevin. a en effet établi un précédent dominant, promettant un marché ouvert où les consommateurs ne sont plus limités par des plateformes de paiement spécifiques aux dispositifs - une refonte fondamentale de la façon dont les transactions sont menées dans le monde entier. kevin. est une entreprise de technologie visionnaire qui redéfinit les systèmes de paiement pour répondre aux besoins de demain. De son siège mondial en Europe à son récent expansion dans le centre financier animé de Dubaï, la mission de kevin. a été constante: offrir une technologie de bout en bout fiable et des économies substantielles sur les frais de transaction sans changer la façon dont les gens paient. L'introduction de leur réseau d'acceptation de paiement multi-locataire et indépendant de la marque marque une évolution significative pour les consommateurs et les entreprises, accordant l'autonomie et la valeur sans les contraintes de la technologie héritée. Télécharger: logo Kevin, image de Pavel Sokolovas et vidéo de transaction iOS: lien - fin - À propos de kevin. kevin. est une entreprise de technologie pionnière dont la mission est de révolutionner les systèmes de paiement hérités. Avec une infrastructure nouvellement construite, kevin. rend les transactions plus efficaces, sécurisées et pratiques pour les ventes numériques et physiques. Son réseau d'acceptation de paiements multi-locataire est blanc de marque, indépendant de la marque et sans intermédiaire, offrant aux partenaires un contrôle complet de leurs processus de paiement en magasin. Cela les habilite à débloquer une plus grande valeur grâce à de nouveaux services, des taux de conversion améliorés et une fidélité client renforcée. Le réseau kevin. redéfinit les paiements internationaux, assurant une infrastructure de paiement NFC sécurisée de compte à compte pour les terminaux POS dans le monde entier. Cette innovation offre une expérience de 'tap and go', compatible avec les appareils Android et iOS, rendant les paiements internationaux aussi familiers que les paiements locaux. kevin. est soutenu par Accel, Eurazeo et d'autres investisseurs, y compris OTB Ventures, Speedinvest, Open Ocean et Global Paytech Venture. Engagement envers l'écosystème L'objectif de kevin. est d'autonomiser tous les acteurs de l'écosystème de paiement, y compris les banques, les portefeuilles numériques, les détaillants et autres. L'entreprise permet à ces entités de lancer leurs propres schémas indépendants non-carte ou d'élargir leurs services en se connectant à un réseau existant sur la plateforme kevin. Contact Details NettResults Relations Publiques Nick Leighton +1 949-478-5880 Company Website

April 11, 2024 07:50 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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kevin. Triumphs with First Account-to-Account NFC iPhone Transaction


In a ground-breaking event set to disrupt the in-store payment landscape, kevin., a pioneer in payment technology, has successfully conducted the first-ever account-to-account NFC transaction on an iPhone. Video of transaction: link In a financial world where convenience and security are paramount, kevin. has established a new pinnacle by executing the first non-Apple Pay account-to-account near-field communication (NFC) payment on an iPhone. This technological leap forward follows the European Commission’s pressure on Apple to democratize NFC access. It comes after years in which Apple's strict control over NFC technology in iOS devices had stifled third-party competition. Pavel Sokolovas, co-founder of kevin., articulates the magnitude of this moment: “Breaking through the final barriers of NFC payments on iOS devices represents a true watershed moment. We’re immensely proud to be the first to provide account-to-account transactions using Apple’s NFC, giving consumers the power to choose how they pay.” In January 2022, kevin. made waves by enabling this innovative payment method for Android users, a move lauded for its originality and drive towards an open payment ecosystem. Now, with regulatory changes in stride, kevin. swiftly attained authorization under Apple's NFC Entitlement Program and embarked on development in their controlled environment. Just six weeks following Apple's program launch, kevin. celebrated the successful execution of the experimental transaction in development mode, setting the stage for what could revolutionize Point of Sale (POS) interactions. Sokolovas outlined the technical journey: “We’ve been rigorously developing within Apple’s architectural framework. Our team worked tirelessly to integrate our kevin. technical solution within Apple host card emulation (HCE), including security standards, transaction validation and so much more to create a seamless experience allowing users transactions from within their banking or wallet apps.” The European Commission continues to monitor feedback from early developers like kevin. while anticipating the official commencement of broader NFC implementation. This scrutiny underscores the Commission's dedication to nurturing innovation and equitable competition in the mobile payment sphere. Looking ahead, the industry anticipates a surge in similar payment solutions following this initial success. kevin. has indeed set a dominant precedent, promising an open market where consumers are no longer limited by device-specific payment platforms — a fundamental reshaping of how transactions are conducted worldwide. kevin. is a visionary technology firm reshaping payment systems for tomorrow’s needs. From their global headquarters in Europe to the recent expansion into the bustling financial hub of Dubai, kevin.’s mission has been consistent: to offer reliable end-to-end technology and significant savings on transaction fees without changing the way people pay. The introduction of their multi-tenant, brand-agnostic payment acceptance network marks a significant shift for consumers and businesses alike, granting autonomy and value unimpeded by the constraints of legacy technology. Download: Kevin logo, image of Pavel Sokolovas and iOS transaction video: link - ends - About kevin. kevin. is a pioneering technology firm on a mission to revolutionize legacy payment systems. With a newly built infrastructure, kevin. makes transactions more efficient, secure, and convenient for both digital and physical sales. The company's multi-tenant payments acceptance network is white-label, brand-agnostic, and intermediary-free, offering partners complete control of their in-store payment processes. This empowers them to unlock greater value through new services, enhanced conversion rates, and strengthened customer loyalty. The kevin. network redefines international payments, ensuring a seamless, secure account-to-account NFC payment infrastructure for POS terminals worldwide. This innovation offers a 'tap and go' experience, compatible with both Android and iOS devices, making international payments as familiar as local ones. kevin. is backed by Accel, Eurazeo and other investors, including OTB Ventures, Speedinvest, Open Ocean, and Global Paytech Venture. Commitment to the Ecosystem kevin.'s goal is to empower all players in the payment ecosystem, including banks, digital wallets, retailers, and others. The company enables these entities to launch their own independent non-card schemes or to expand their services by connecting with an existing network on the kevin. platform. Contact Details NettResults Public Relations Nick Leighton +1 949-478-5880 Company Website

April 11, 2024 07:50 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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Premier African Minerals advances Zulu lithium and tantalum project, raises £2 million

Premier African Minerals Ltd

Premier African Minerals Ltd (AIM:PREM, OTC:PRMMF) chief executive George Roach provides an update on the Zulu lithium and tantalum project in Zimbabwe alongside news of a £2 million fundraising. Roach told Proactive's Stephen Gunnion the company has made progress in addressing some design issues within the project, enhancing the efficiency of material processing for the floatation plant. Roach detailed upcoming modifications to the plant's plumbing, expected to resolve remaining challenges, particularly in the flotation section, aimed at improving recovery rates. These modifications are part of the project's final stages before commissioning. In addition to operational updates, Premier African Minerals has raised £2 million through the issuance of new shares, as well as a $300,000 working capital facility with a local lender in Zimbabwe. Roach said the funds are designated for working capital, supporting the mining operation's considerable expenses, including diesel for power generation and mining costs, as the project advances towards an anticipated production rate of over 70,000 tonnes per month. Investors are advised to look for upcoming milestones, particularly improvements in the flotation process expected to enhance production tonnages. The company remains focused on resolving the final challenges of the flotation plant to reach its production goals. Contact Details Proactive UK Ltd +44 20 7989 0813

April 11, 2024 07:38 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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BestGrowthStocks.Com Issues Comprehensive Evaluation of SuperCom Ltd

SuperCom Ltd

NEW YORK, NY / NewsDirect / April 11th, 2024 / Best Growth Stocks, a leading independent equity research and corporate access firm focused on finding and reporting on the best growth stocks utilizing exclusive ai-assisted research recently issued a comprehensive evaluation of SuperCom Ltd. a global provider of secure solutions for the e-Government, IoT, and Cybersecurity sectors. SuperCom Ltd. (NASDAQ: SPCB) has recently caught the attention of many investors following multiple contract wins. Best Growth Stock's full report breaks through the noise and offers an extensive comprehensive evaluation of SuperCom’s near-term potential catalysts, current estimated share structure, cash position, breakdown of recent developments, how they relate to potential future catalysts, financial performance, and more. Access this full analysis free: (If you cannot click the link above, copy and paste to your browser may be required) Access this full analysis free: (If you cannot click the link above, copy and paste to your browser may be required) About SuperCom Since 1988, SuperCom has been a global provider of traditional and digital identity solutions, providing advanced safety, identification, and security solutions to governments and organizations, both private and public, worldwide. Through its proprietary e-Government platforms and innovative solutions for traditional and biometrics enrollment, personalization, issuance, and border control services, SuperCom has inspired governments and national agencies to design and issue secure Multi-ID documents and robust digital identity solutions to its citizens and visitors. SuperCom offers a unique all-in-one field-proven RFID & mobile technology and product suite, accompanied by advanced complementary services for various industries, including healthcare and homecare, security and safety, community public safety, law enforcement, and electronic monitoring. SuperCom's website is About Best Growth Stocks Best Growth Stocks is a leading independent equity research and corporate access firm focused on finding and reporting on the best growth stocks utilizing our exclusive ai-assisted research. BGS is also a financial news provider, focused on giving investors direct access to CEOs of promising, publicly-traded companies, and market experts. Our CEO interviews aim to answer the questions that rest on the minds of current and future shareholders. This is not to be construed as financial advice. Please consult with a licensed financial advisor before making any investment decisions. Contact Details Best Growth Stocks Steve Macalbry

April 11, 2024 07:30 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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S&U's resilient performance and growth strategy amidst economic and regulatory headwinds


S&U PLC chairman Anthony Coombs discusses the company's full-year performance and outlook in an interview with Proactive's Stephen Gunnion. Despite facing significant headwinds, especially in the latter half of the period, Coombs noted that S&U demonstrated robust trading, underpinned by the strong demand for its motor finance and property bridging products. Aspen, its property bridging division, achieved a significant milestone, hitting the half-billion lending mark. However, profit growth at motor finance division Advantage was held back by higher interest rates and increased regulatory activity from the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) concerning forbearance, affordability, and vulnerable customers. Coombs highlighted the company's adaptability and ongoing cooperation with the FCA to maintain best-in-class procedures. Despite the economic challenges and regulatory pressures, customer numbers at Advantage reached record levels. Coombs also addressed the impact of the current economic situation, including recession fears and cost of living pressures, on the company's lending practices. He expressed neutrality towards the potential change in government, emphasizing the company's resilience and long-term customer service focus. On the property market, Coombs noted the resilience of house prices and a long-term supply shortage, which he believes presents a substantial opportunity for Aspen. He highlighted the division's focus on lending to individuals refurbishing or building properties, a sector underserved by traditional banks. S&U declared a final dividend of 50 pence per share and Coombs expressed confidence in the company's ability to resume sustainable profit growth, maintaining a balance between capital appreciation and dividend yield for shareholders. Contact Details Proactive UK Ltd +44 20 7989 0813

April 11, 2024 07:22 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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TNR Gold reaches milestone with Gangeng's Mariana lithium project on track for first production

TNR Gold Corp

TNR Gold Corp executive chairman Kirill Klip tells Proactive's Stephen Gunnion the company will start generating its first royalty stream once the Mariana lithium project in Argentina commences production later this year, marking a major milestone for TNR Gold Corp. This development is pivotal as the company aims to establish itself within the green energy metals royalty and gold sector, Klip added. The Mariana lithium project has been operational since January 2023. Owner Ganfeng Lithium has focused on increasing lithium concentration and constructing facilities capable of producing lithium chloride, targeting an annual output of 20,000 tonnes. Moreover, the operations are set to be entirely powered by renewable energy, with a 120-megawatt solar power plant being developed, expected to expand to 150 megawatts. Klip also highlighted the positive shift in Argentina's business environment under the new presidency, emphasizing the country's growing attractiveness for mining investments. TNR Gold benefits from Argentina's enhanced business-friendly initiatives, alongside having a royalty on another significant project in the country, Klip said. Addressing the lithium market, Klip noted the fluctuating prices but stressed the anticipated recovery and structural deficit due to the underestimation of supply by significant analysts. He underscored the strategic positioning of the Mariana lithium project, particularly for the production of lithium chloride, which is essential for the next generation of lithium solid-state batteries. These batteries are expected to enhance the efficiency and range of electric vehicles significantly. Contact Details v +1 604-688-8158

April 11, 2024 07:19 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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Helium One Global on track with Itumbula West-1 extended well test, commences ESIA study

Helium One Global Ltd

Helium One Global Ltd CEO Lorna Blaisse and director of operations Mike Williams take Proactive's Stephen Gunnion through the latest progress on the company's Rukwa project in Tanzania. Blaisse told Proactive Helium One has initiated an environmental and social impact assessment study (ESIA), essential for converting its prospecting licence to a full mining licence, marking a significant advancement. This step follows the success of the Phase Two drilling campaign, where it achieved a 4.7% helium flow from the Itumbula West-1 well. The upcoming extended well test (EWT) is crucial for evaluating the project's value in the Rukwa Basin, facilitating the licence conversion process. The assessment, expected to take six months, is underway, running in parallel with preparations for the extended well test and a feasibility study. Williams said the company has appointed a production facilities management company and started a design study for a helium production plant. This plant aims to refine helium and manage logistics for transporting the product. The modular design will accommodate varying production rates, ensuring value for stakeholders. Preparations for the extended well test in the third quarter are on schedule, involving significant logistical and engineering efforts due to the importation of equipment from outside Tanzania, Williams added. Behind the scenes, work on converting the mining licence continues, encompassing a comprehensive feasibility report integrating various company departments. Close collaboration with the Tanzanian government and stakeholders is ongoing, with recent positive meetings with the Mining Commission highlighting the government's support for the project. With the acceleration of the project, Blaisse Helium One is expanding its team to manage the increasing workload and ensure the delivery of all project components, including the crucial feasibility study. Contact Details Proactive UK Ltd +44 20 7989 0813

April 11, 2024 07:18 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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Ballymore Resources unveils promising results from Dittmer gold project in Queensland

Ballymore Resources Ltd

Ballymore Resources Ltd (ASX:BMR) technical director David A-Izzeddin tells Proactive's Stephen Gunnion that initial assay results from a Stage 4 drilling program at the company's Dittmer gold project in north Queensland are very encouraging. The company has a number of projects in the area, which A-Izzeddin said is "remarkably under-explored," despite significant gold findings in the 1990s. Dittmer stands out for its history as a high-grade gold mining area in the late 1800s to early 1900s, with the Dittmer mine noted for its extraordinary gold yield. Ballymore's recent drilling programs have uncovered evidence suggesting the potential for substantial mineral deposits near the historic mine sites, with results indicating the presence of high-grade gold within a shear zone that appears to widen with depth. Further exploration and drilling efforts have identified promising structures and anomalies, suggesting an extensive mineralisation that remains open for exploration. The company plans to continue its exploration activities with surface drilling programs aimed at revealing the full potential of these areas, including the possibility of encountering porphyry copper systems as indicated by geochemical anomalies and historical data from nearby locations. With a recent $5 million investment from the Taurus Mining Royalty Fund, A-Izzeddin said Ballymore Resources is well-funded to advance its ambitious exploration projects. This financial support, part of an $11 million funding effort, enables the company to explore not only the promising targets at Dittmer but also other locations like Cedar Ridge. Although the primary focus remains on discovering significant mineral deposits, there's also the potential for initiating small-scale mining operations in the near term, leveraging the high-grade findings and proximity to existing infrastructure. Contact Details Proactive Australia Pty Ltd Proactive Australia Pty Ltd +61 431 597 771

April 11, 2024 07:16 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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