Unlock Venture Partners Showcases Portfolio in the Metaverse | News Direct

Unlock Venture Partners Showcases Portfolio in the Metaverse Unlock has released Unlockverse powered by Pixel Canvas as a new way to discover and interact with its portfolio companies

News release by UnlockVP

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Unlock Venture Partners, which recently announced Fund II, has unveiled Unlockverse – a new way to experience a venture fund portfolio… in the Metaverse.

Unlock is a long-time believer that digital environments will continually progress and move towards parity with real life transforming work, play, and commerce, especially along certain vectors such as visual fidelity and user experience. Hence, it is no surprise that the fund has been following and investing in Metaverse and Web3 related companies, such as DRESSX, Irreverent Labs, Pixel Canvas and Real Simple Labs, for a few years.

Venture funds have typically listed their portfolio companies with a hyperlink. When Unlock invested in Pixel Canvas and saw its browser based, photo realistic, 3D, immersive and interactive environments for enterprises, they decided to use the solution to reimagine the way their portfolio could be presented to the outside world.

Unlockverse allows you to navigate around a large venture studio where each of the Unlock portfolio companies has its own space whereby a visitor can learn about it. Outer, a leading outdoor furniture brand, has a company overview presentation, videos, and pictures of its products, that one can access when one first enters its space in Unlockverse. Once inside the space, there are models of its couches where a visitor can change the swatches. Shortly, these spaces will resemble an Outer neighborhood showroom where a user can manipulate 3D models of the couches and then activate a chat function to initiate a live video interaction with an in-house salesperson.

Unlock Venture Partners has a space where they envision holding live events such as AMAs and demo days. Visitors can easily teleport between spaces to specific companies to explore Unlockverse at their own pace.

“This is a great way for us to provide a more tangible and immersive environment in which potential investors, partners, customers and the outside world can learn about our companies and us as a fund,” said Sanjay Reddy, Unlock’s partner based in Los Angeles. “Text is great. Images and videos are great. However, interacting with, and learning about, companies in a manner closer to the way one would in real life is what we believe the Metaverse will afford our industry, and this is an initial version of what we envision the future in this medium to be.”

Pixel Canvas, an Unlock Venture Partners Fund II portfolio company based in Los Angeles, has roots in VR and digital events. The company’s solutions represent a blend of high-end visual aesthetics, gamification and user engagement focused on the enterprise.


“Venture funds are just one example. There is tremendous demand among investors, businesses, and consumers for immersive virtual platform opportunities. We believe every business will eventually operate in the Metaverse.” said Andy Liu, Unlock’s partner in Seattle. “Come and visit Unlockverse and help us progress and refine new ways in which to interact with each other.”


About Unlock Venture Partners:

 Unlock Venture Partners was co-founded by Andy Liu, Sanjay Reddy, and Raazi Imam. They have invested in more than 37 Seattle and Los Angeles-based startups including Possible Finance, Outer, Dolly, Downstream, Pixel Canvas, Fight Camp, UNest, DRESSX and Crowd Cow. Unlock is a premier early-stage fund infusing capital into two high-potential, relatively underserved markets.


About Pixel Canvas:

 Pixel Canvas is the Enterprise Metaverse company. The company has a browser based, 3D, interactive platform that has helped major brands address the new reality of digital interactivity with a superior product. Pixel Canvas leverages a gaming background and high visual fidelity 3D design experience to offer environments in the Metaverse.


Contact Details


Forrest Carman


+1 206-859-3118




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