The Blood Supply Shortage: Why it’s Happening and How You Can Help College of American Pathologists conducts media tour. Someone needs blood every two seconds. Only 37 percent of the U.S. population is eligible to donate blood - less than 10 percent do annually.

New York, NY
November 11, 2022 11:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
A video accompanying this announcement is available at:
This is the worst blood shortage in over a decade, posing a concerning risk to patient care.
Amid this crisis, doctors have been forced to make difficult decisions about who receives blood transfusions and who will need to wait until more products become available. Blood and platelet donations are critically needed to help prevent further delays in vital medical treatments.
The blood supply took a major hit about as the Covid-19 pandemic took over the healthcare system. Shortages could potentially lead to the postponement of surgeries, other medical procedures, and be a major issue if a mass casualty event were to happen.
Every year 4.5 million Americans will need a blood transfusion. Someone in your audience or their loved one could be in need.
With the blood shortage being a major health issue potentially affecting so many, what can be done and what should we know?
Dr. Glenn Ramsey, chair of the College of American Pathologists Transfusion Committee recently conducted a nationwide media tour to inform the public on what is being done.
Topics that Dr. Ramsey discussed included:
- With the current blood shortage, the recent changes in blood donation restrictions
- The importance of donating blood
- Keeping the blood supply strong
- Why there is always a shortage
- How the current blood supply is being maximized
- What the most common incidents are in which blood donation is needed
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