Context Therapeutics shares #ASCO23 data on CLDN-6 targeted treatments and CTIM-76 update | News Direct

Context Therapeutics shares #ASCO23 data on CLDN-6 targeted treatments and CTIM-76 update

Context Therapeutics
News release by Context Therapeutics

facebook icon linkedin icon twitter icon pinterest icon email icon New York | June 13, 2023 01:34 PM Eastern Daylight Time


Context Therapeutics CEO Marty Lehr joins Natalie Stoberman from the Proactive studios to discuss the latest data on clinical cancer target Claudin 6 (CLDN6) presented at ASCO23 and how Context’s CTIM-76 CLDN6 X CD3 bispecific antibody sets itself apart from other CLDN6-targeted clinical candidates.

Lehr says CLDN6 is differentially expressed on cancer cells with no or very low expression in normal, healthy adult tissue. CLDN6-enriched cancers include non-small cell lung (NSCLC), ovarian, testicular, and others.

CTIM-76 is currently in preclinical development and is intended to direct activated immune T cells to CLDN6-expressing cancer cells. Preclinical studies of evaluating CTIM-76 demonstrates selective immune-mediated cell death of CLDN6-positive cancer cells.


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