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バイナンスやコインベース、OKXなど主要な仮想通貨取引所における上場未定の既出、または新しい仮想通貨も加えて、一覧形式で公開される情報です。 仮想通貨上場予定一覧を利用するメリット プレセール価格(低価格)で購入することができる。 市場価値が高騰した場合にハイリターンが望める 比較的少ない投資金で仮想通貨を始めることができる 以下では、仮想通貨上場予定 [cur_year]年版一覧を紹介した後に、個別の解説、そして購入方法、そしてプレセールの情報を詳しくステップバイステップで説明していきます。 仮想通貨上場予定 [cur_year]年版、注目の一覧 以下の仮想通貨 上場予定 [cur_year]年版一覧は、まだ大手の取引所、例えばBinance(バイナンス)、Coinbase(コインベース)、CoinCheck(コインチェック、OKXなどには仮想通貨上場をしておりません。 またこのような情報はバイナンス上場、コインベース上場、コインチェック上場など、順次大手取引所でも公開がなされていきます。 まだ大手の取引所の仮想通貨 上場 一覧が公開されていない今こそ注目の新仮想通貨の最新情報をいち早くチェックしていきましょう。 Love Hate Inu – 投票で報酬をゲット、Vote to Earnの上場予定仮想通貨 FightOut – フィットネス市場で注目されているMove-to-Earn C+Charge – 注目の新仮想通貨 満足度トップのEVドライバー報酬 RobotEra – 話題のプラットフォーム メタバース型ヴァーチャル開拓ゲーム Dash 2 Trade – Dash 2 Trade – 探していたプラットフォームがここに トレーダー注目の新仮想通貨 Tamadoge – OKXに上場予定 話題沸騰の仮想通貨プロジェクト Calvaria – 投資、ガバナンス、報酬 マルチトークン搭載のP2E型 新仮想通貨 訪問 Love Hate Inu 今 仮想通貨上場 予定一覧 仮想通貨で成功を収めるためには、誰よりも早く上場前の仮想通貨に目をつけ、低価格で買うこと、つまり青田買いができるかが肝となってきます。 それでは 気になる詳細をチェックしていきましょう。 1. Love Hate Inu (LHINU) 投票で報酬をゲット、Vote to Earnの上場予定仮想通貨 多くの新仮想通貨プロジェクトの中から、最適なモノを選ぶには時間がいくらあっても足りませんよね0。 Love Hate Inuは、Love Hate Inu ($LHINU)は、投票によって得られる新しい仮想通貨プラットフォームで、ユーザーはさまざまな事柄に投票したり、新しい投票を主催したりすることでトークン報酬を得ることができます。 Love Hate Inu プロジェクトのポイント 世界初のブロックチェーンベースのオンライン投票型プラットフォーム 独自トークン $LHINUを使ってエンターテインメント、政治、スポーツ、社会的な重要課題に関する投票について意見を共有することができます。(ステーキングが必須) ユーザーインターフェイスを通じて投票を行うことで報酬を得ること可能。投票提出プラットフォームにアクセスして新しい投票を作成することもできます。 最低30日間$LHINUをステーキングする必要があります。プラットフォームはリアルタイムのステーキングメカニズムを使用して、投票プロセスに不正がないことを確認しています。投票は完全に匿名化されます。 $LHINUの最大供給量は1000億トークンです。90%は8つのプレセールラウンドで平等に割り当てられており、残りの10%は将来の取引所上場のためにプールされています。 現在はプレセールの第一段階で、$LHINUは1トークンあたり$0.000085で販売されています。価格は各プレセールラウンドで上昇し、各ラウンドは7日半続きます。 プレセール開始以来、約25万ドルが調達されています。Love Hate Inuは総プレセール上限を1006.8万ドルに設定しています。 Stake-to-Vote(投票型)とは Stake-to-Voteは、コミュニティ主導のプラットフォームで、さまざまな最新の情報に関する健全な議論を緩和し、ソーシャル・エンゲージメントを高めます。また、本プラットフォームでは、ユーザーが気軽に投票を行うための工夫の一つとしてキャラクターイラストなどの遊び要素も取り入れています。 またセキュリティ面、プラットフォームの汎用性、 投票の投稿、および管理ダッシュボードを駆使して有効な投票をすべて管理しています。さらに管理ダッシュボード投票を通じて、プラットフォームの収益をコミュニティーに還元することも可能です。 Love Hate Inuのホワイトペーパーによると、参加者はトークンを賭けて投票することもできます。このステークメカニズムは、スパムや不正行為を防ぎ、投票を匿名化を可能にします。報酬として、ステーキングと投票に使用したトークンを受け取るだけでなく、ステーキングの規模や期間に応じて投票力は強化されていきます。 現在プレセールは第一段階、$LHINUは1トークンあたり$0.000085で販売されています。価格は各プレセールラウンドで上昇し、各ラウンドは7日半続きます。プレセール開始以来、すでに約25万ドルが調達され投資家たちの間では。Love Hate Inuは総プレセール上限を1006.8万ドルに設定しています。 さらに詳しい情報は、Love Hate Inu Telegramグループに参加することで入手することができます。 なお、Love Hate Inuの買い方に関する説明は、当サイトの解説ページにてご覧ください。 訪問 Love Hate Inu 今 2. FightOut – フィットネス市場を攻略する最高のMove-to-Earn型 新仮想通貨プロジェクト 世界の統計データを収集するStatistaによると、フィットネス業界は、2022年に960億ドルという巨額の市場規模をマークしていますが、その実、業界全体では近年伸び悩みの傾向にあります。 そこ に登 場したのが、Move to Earn (M2E: 動いて稼ぐ)アプリとジムクラブを組み合わせたnew 仮想通貨FightOutです。 FightOut プロジェクトのポイント ブロックチェーンゲームと同様の技術を利用して包括的なフィットネス方法を提供することにより、Web2.0とWeb3.0を結ぶ架け橋としての役割を果たします。 ユーザーはインセンティブを与えられることで、良いライフスタイルを実現するために健康的な行動をとるようになります。 また、トレーニング、チャレンジ、およびその他の行動を通して「REPS」仮想通貨を獲得することができます。 FightOutは、Move to Earnの機会を最大化するため、世界初のWeb3.0統合ジムを導入しました。 ユーザーはアバターを作成し、FightOutのメタバースで自身の身体的特徴を再現することができます。 専用アプリ(スマホ、スマートウォッチなど)を使って、身体的パフォーマンスを測定・追跡します FightOutユーザーはオプションで、2つのトークン($FGHTとREPS)を通常の仮想通貨と同様、またFightOutに登録する際などに使用することができます。 高価なNFTを購入する必要がないので気軽に参加できます。 パーソナルトレーナーやFightOut専任コーチとのリモートサポート、またはグッズ、アバター用のコスメなどのあらゆるアプリ内商品やサービスを、所有するREPSで購入することができます。 プレセール段階でトークンを購入した場合、報酬として最大50%のFGHTトークンを追加で獲得するチャンスがあります。報酬分のうち30%のトークンは、購入されたトークンの数と権利確定期間に応じて提供されます。 最低ボーナス率は10%で、権利確定期間6ヶ月で500ドルを投資すると獲得できます。 さらに、50,000ドル相当のトークンを購入した人には25%のボーナスが与えられます。 $FGHTは現在0.01665002ドル(1 USDT = 60.06トークン)で購入可能。購入額の上限、下限は設定されていません。 訪問 FightOut 今 3. C+Charge – 注目の新仮想通貨 満足度トップのEVドライバー報酬 続いて、[cur_year]年その新しい試みで将来性を期待されている仮想通貨 新しいコイン 、 C+Chargeのご紹介です。C+ChargeはEVの運転をより便利にさせ、化石燃料から電気自動車(EV)への切り替えを推進しています。 EVと仮想通貨という組み合わせと聞いて不思議に感じる人も多いかもしれませんね。 3. C+Charge プロジェクトのポイント EV充電の決済エコシステムにより、EV所有者が充電するたびにカーボンクレジットを使用して報酬を得ることができる初のプラットフォームです。 カーボン・クレジットは、グリーン・プロジェクトに資金を提供することで二酸化炭素排出量を相殺できる証明書のようなもので、1クレジットが1トンの二酸化炭素に相当します。 充電のたびにC+Chargeのネイティブ通貨CCHGで支払いを行い、カーボンクレジットを受け取ることで、自らのカーボンフットプリントをオフセットすることができます。 専用アプリで料金や充電ステーションでの待ち時間などに関するデータをリアルタイムで把握することができます。 アプリ内臓の位置情報機能によって、ユーザーは最寄りの充電ステーションを検索することができます。 CCHGトークンは、支払い毎にエコシステムから持ち出される仕組みとなっています。 今までほとんど大企業の手に委ねられていたカーボンクレジットの所有権を民主化します。 EVへの転換による環境保護という非常に重要な役割を担っています。 C+Chargeは、DOXとKYCで検証されたチームによって運営され、Perfect Solutions Turkeyとも提携しています。 CCHGトークンは、バイナンスのスマートチェーン上に構築された限定供給トークンです。トークン価格がまだ低めに設定されており、C+Chargeのプレセールに参加するには今が絶好のチャンスです。 本記事執筆時点でトークンあたり0.017ドルで販売されています。プレセールの最終段階となる第8段階までに、トークンは0.0235ドルになる見通しです。伸び幅を見ても、これから来るnew 仮想通貨として見逃せませんね。 興味のある方は、C+Chargeのホワイトペーパー、またはテレグラムグループに参加して、より詳しい情報を確認してみてください。 また、C+Chargeの買い方を解説した過去記事もありますので、そちらも合わせてご覧ください。 訪問 C+Charge 今 4. RobotEra – 話題のプラットフォーム メタバース型ヴァーチャル開拓ゲーム 次にRobotEraのご紹介です。ブロックチェーン技術を利用することで、プレイヤーが利益を産むための豊富な選択肢の提供を実現した今話題の新仮想通貨GameFiプロジェクトになります。 ヘッジファンドのLBank LabsのプロジェクトでもあるRobotEraは、破壊された惑星Taroを舞台にプレイヤーがアバターとなるロボットを操作して、NFTベースの土地を管理しながらRobotEraのバーチャルワールドを構築することがミッションになっています。 4. RobotEra プロジェクトのポイント メタバースとP2E、2つの融合した本プロジェクトは独自のエコシステムを介して複数の利益を得ることがきます。 個性的なロボットのNFTアバターを作成し、メタバース上の土地を構築します。最終的にはNFTとして取引所で販売することも可能です。 ゲーム内でインフラを整備した土地や鉱物の採掘、また建設物の中には広告用として貸し出しが可能です。 ゲーム内にカスタムエディターが用意されており、プレイヤーは自分の好きなように土地を開発することができます。 TAROトークンはプルーフオブステーク(PoS)コインであり、イーサリアム・ブロックチェーンで ERC-20トークンとして発行されています。 最も多くのトークンをステーキングしたプレーヤーにはDAOの管理者となる権利が与えられ、RobotEraのエコシステムが将来どのように発展するかについて重要な役割を果たすこととなります。 仮想通貨の有識者の間では、RobotEraをはじめとするGameFiトークンが[cur_year]年の弱気相場に下落負けすることなく、良心的な価格を保っていることから、投資としてもこの新仮想通貨プロジェクトに対する期待値は高いようです。 土地さえあれば、ゲーム内での行動範囲が広がり可能性は無限に広がります。RobotEraにはゲーム内にカスタムエディターが用意されており、プレイヤーは自分の好きなように土地を開発することができます。先ほどの建設物の一例として博物館やコンサートなどの入場料や広告の販売などを通してビジネスを始めることも可能です。 この新仮想通貨プロジェクトについてより詳しく知りたいという方は、RobotEraのホワイトペーパーをチェック、またはTelegramグループに参加してみましょう。 訪問 RobotEra 今 5. Dash 2 Trade – 探していたプラットフォームがここに トレーダー注目の新仮想通貨 新規上場の仮想通貨 新しいコインDash 2 Tradeは、現在投資家たちがこぞって購入している人気プロジェクトです。その理由が利益を最大化できるダッシュボードなどユーザーにとって非常に便利なツールが利用できる点にあります。 今までに経費APIや専門家の助力が必須であった指標を、使いやすい単一のプラットフォームで提供します。 Dash 2 Trade プロジェクトのポイント 無数のデータポイントや統計的な分析を活用し、購入すべきタイミングや、利益が得られる最適なタイミングを教えてくれる取引シグナル機能。 戦略構築ツール、バックテスター搭載で、資本管理を考慮しつつ、より慎重に取引戦略を練ることが可能になります。 ベータ版ダッシュボード公開を前に、プロジェクトチームは1100万ドルの資金調達に成功しました。 2万8000人が公式テレグラムに登録し、ツイッターでは3万7000人のフォロワーを獲得しています。 プロ級のツールや指標を備えているだけでなく、ソーシャルトレーディングや市場心理分析、自動取引APIなどの機能も搭載しています。 2022年10月20日から開始したプレセールでは早くも購入を望む投資家が殺到し、開始後わずか24時間以内で50万ドル(日本円で約7000万円以上)近くもの資金調達を完了しています。 プレセールでは総額15万ドル(約10億円超)という高額な資金調達に成功しており、仮想通貨上場予定一覧が見事的中する結果となりました。独自トークンD2Tは、現在多くの取引所にて購入が可能です。 さらにD2Tの将来性など詳細が気になる方は、左記のリンクからチェックしてみましょう。 訪問 Dash2Trade 今 6. Tamadoge - OKXに上場予定 話題沸騰の仮想通貨プロジェクト 続いて、今後の需要が期待されるP2E型プラットフォームのミームコイン、Tamadoge (TAMA)のご紹介です。 この新しい 仮想通貨プロジェクトはプレセールを早々に完売、わずか数ヶ月で1,900万ドルを調達しました。この結果はTAMAに寄せられている期待値の高さを表しており、投資家から新規上場が待たれる仮想通貨 新しいコインの一つと言えるでしょう。 Tamadoge プラットフォームのポイント Tamadoge(TAMA)は「Tamaverse」というメタバース空間でネイティブトークンとして機能するデフレ型(通貨の価値が上がる)新仮想通貨です。 Tamadogeのエコシステムの中で、NFTとなる「Tamadogeペット」を鋳造することができます。 育成したTamadogeペットを他のプレイヤーが所有するペットとバトルさせて、報酬を獲得することができます。 育成の過程で獲得できるドッグポイントをより多く集めることでリーダーボードにランクインすることで豪華報酬が得られます。 プレセールで1900万ドルを調達した後、最大手の暗号取引所の1つ「OKX」に上場を果たしました。 CoinSniper社によるKYC認証とSolid Proof社による監査を受け、正当性を証明された仮想通貨 新しいコインです。 またこの仮想通貨 新しいコインは、総供給量の20億と少数である、そしてゲーム内で利用できるペットショップでの取引ごとに5%のトークンがバーンされるデフレメカニズムによる厳格なトークノミクスを実現している点などが挙げられます。 例えば、ミームコインとは対になるDogecoinは供給量無制限で流通量は1300億、Shiba inuは550兆とTAMAとは比べ物にならない供給量になっています。 プレセールが終了した現在、TamadogeはOKXの中央集権型取引所と分散型取引所に上場しており、今後も成長が期待される新しい 仮想通貨です。さらに、Tamadogeはおすすめ仮想通貨ランキングでも見事1位に輝いています。 Tamadogeは汎用性、明確なロードマップ、アップデートを提供し、次に来るnew 仮想通貨としても有望株です。今すぐTamadoge Telegramに参加し、プロジェクトの最新情報をゲットしましょう。 訪問 Tamadoge 今 7. Calvaria - 投資、ガバナンス、報酬 マルチトークン搭載のP2E型 新仮想通貨 Calvariaはブロックチェーンゲーマーはもちろん、あまり馴染みのないゲーマーにも魅力を与えるエキサイティングなP2E型ゲームです。 プレイヤーは RIA トークンを介して報酬やゲーム内での購入を行うと同時にシステムの経済的安定性も確保しています。プレセールでは、250 万ドル以上の資金調達を終えています。 Calvaria プラットフォームのポイント NFTカードデッキをRIAトークンで購入し、他プレイヤーとトーナメントで熾烈な戦いを勝ち抜くカードバトル型ゲームです。 戦いに勝利することで報酬を得られ、同等の強さを持つカードは合成することでより強力なカードを精製できます。 RIAトークン保有者を対象にした特典としてプラットフォーム運営に参加するためのガバナンストークン(投票権)を使用することができます。 ゲームを始めるために仮想通貨のウォレットを接続する必要がありません。 またCalvariaではRIAトークンを介して投資を行えます。コインロックは Calvaria が報酬を絶え間なく投資家に提供できる長期的な仮想通貨 新しいコインだという信用のバロメーターです。 これにより、投資家は受動的に収入を得ることができます。 バトルカードゲームのフォーマットを融合させたCalvariaは業界で高く注目されている銘柄です。プレセール終了後も価格が上昇する可能性は十分にあるため、プレセール最終段階の現在価格0.0325ドルもまだ非常に安い価格にあり、今後大きなリターンを十分に得ることができます。 今後もCalvariaは、仮想通貨 新しいコインに機能を追加してトークンのユースケースを拡大し、資産価値を今以上に高めようと企業努力を続けていきます。これから発展していく注目の新仮想通貨となりますので是非ともご検討ください。 訪問 Calvaria 今 上場予定 新仮想通貨 上場前に買うことはできる? 今回、本記事では上場に先駆けて注目の新仮想通貨をご紹介してきました。上場予定の新仮想通貨が、バイナンスやコインチェック、コインベース上場を果たす前に購入したい方のために解説を行なっていきます。 新規上場する前の仮想通貨への投資方法と、安全に投資するために注意すべき点も併せて見ていきましょう。 早期投資ならプレセールが狙い目 バイナンスやコインチェックなどの取引所での上場を果たす前の仮想通貨を運営元が販売することをプレセールと言います。 投資を成功させる人の多くが仮想通貨 新しいコインをプレセール段階で購入を行なっています。最大のメリットとしては上場一覧として公開された後よりも安価に購入することができるのです。 当然、購入した価格が低いほど、その後に何倍にも跳ね上がった場合のリターンは大きくなります。こういった値段の振れ幅を利用した投資はまさしく仮想通貨投資の特徴と言えますね。 プレセール投資は徐々に仮想通貨投資においてトレンドになっています。中には、上場後の利益率ではもはや満足ができないと早期の投資を積極的に行なっているベテランの投資家も多くいます。 なお、CoinMarketCap、CoinList、CoinGeckoなどの各サイトなどでも新しいプロジェクトの情報は得ることは可能です。ここで重要な点は、新しい仮想通貨に投資をする際には十分な調査とデューデリジェンスを自身の後悔のないよう慎重に行うことです。中には上場も叶わずそのプロジェクト自体も中断してしまうなんてケースも珍しくはありません。 ですが、当サイトで紹介している上場予定 新しい仮想通貨については、前述のような危険性の高い銘柄が入っている可能性は極めて低いのでご安心ください。なお、注意すべき仮想通貨は、ウェブサイトやロードマップ、また開発チームの情報が曖昧であったりなど、ソーシャルメディアにおけるエンゲージメントが不十分なケースが多いのでその点にも着目して吟味しましょう。 仮想通貨 上場予定一覧を確認 現在、仮想通貨市場は創世記と比較してみると一見その成長幅が緩やかになって見えます。しかし、これは新しい仮想通貨の上場率が低下している、ということではありません。バイナンスをはじめとするおすすめの仮想通貨取引所には、将来性のある仮想通貨 新しいコインが多く名を連ねています。 まずは仮想通貨上場予定の一覧で最新情報を入手しましょう。Coinmarketcap.comでは常に最新の情報を入手することができます。 また、バイナンスへの仮想通貨上場スケジュールを確認することができます。このリストには、最近バイナンスに上場した仮想 通貨 新しいプロジェクトのうち、革新的なユースケースとエキサイティングなロードマップによって市場を席巻しているプロジェクトも含まれています。 プロジェクトのコミュニティに参加 気になっている仮想通貨 新しいコインがいつ、どこの仮想通貨取引所に上場するか知りたい場合は、まずその仮想通貨プロジェクトのソーシャルメディアコミュニティに参加してみましょう。 Telegram、Discord、Twitter、Instagram、Facebook、Redditなどがポピュラーです。 基本的に、管理やモデレーター発信でフォロワーにダイレクトメッセージ(DM)が届くことはありません。したがって身に覚えのないDMは、詐欺の可能性があるので十分に注意しておきましょう。 また第三者、特にオンライン上でのパスコードの公表、「仮想通貨ウォレットを認証してください」というリクエストがあった場合はまず疑いましょう。フィッシングリンクや、仮想通貨プロジェクトチームメンバーを装ったアプローチなど手の込んだやり口も増えてきています。 Tamadogeの場合、任意で新仮想通貨上場のお知らせをメールで受け取ることが可能です。 SNSを積極的に活用 ソーシャルメディアは新しいトレンドを発見するにあたり非常に有効で、特に[cur_year] 年新しい仮想通貨のリリースを探すのに最適な手段です。 Twitter や TikTok などのプラットフォームでは、「#bestnewcrypto」、「#cryptopresales」などのキーワード検索が簡単に行えます。 また#NFTgames などの特定のカテゴリを入力することもでき、これらのキーワードの通知設定を行えばより効率的に情報を集めることができます。 Love Hate Inuを買ってみる プレセールでの購入方法について、今回ご紹介しましたLove Hate Inuを例に5つのSTEPでまとめてみました。 STEP1:仮想通貨ウォレットを用意する。 Love Hate Inuのプレセールに参加する前に、ユーザーは仮想通貨ウォレットを作成する必要があります。LHINUプレセールプラットフォームでは、最も人気のある2つの仮想通貨ウォレットであるMetaMaskまたはWallet Connectと接続可能です。 接続したい仮想通貨ウォレットを選択し、その機能をダウンロードします。 STEP2:イーサリアム/USDTを購入する。 ERC-20トークンである$LHINUは、イーサリアム(ETH)やテザー(USDT)などの他のERC互換トークンと交換することができます。これらのトークンは、選択した適切な仮想通貨取引所から購入することができます。 これが完了したら、トークンをそれぞれの仮想通貨ウォレットに送ることができます。 STEP3:ウォレットとプレセールを接続する。 Love Hate InuのプレセールWebサイトにアクセスし、利用する仮想通貨ウォレットを選択します。(MetaMaskまたはWallet Connect)ウォレットオプションを選択し、画面上の指示に従って手続きを行いましょう。 STEP4:$LHINU トークンを購入する 。 ウォレットの接続が完了すると、投資家はETHまたはUSDTで$LHINUを購入することを選べます。「ETHで$LHINUを購入する」または「USDTで$LHINUを購入する」をクリックして続行しましょう。 現在、トークンの価格は1トークンあたり0.000085ドルです。投資家は、少なくとも10個の$LHINUトークンを購入する必要があります。 購入金額を入力した後、「Convert(変換)」を選択して、取引を完了します。 STEP5:$LHINU トークンを受け取る。 プレセール参加者は、プレセール終了後にプレセールサイトからLHINUトークンを受け取ることができます。 まとめ さて、[cur_year]年版上場予定の新仮想通貨 特集はいかがでしたか? 日本の仮想通貨市場は、急速な盛り上がりを見せています。その一方で技術的な面では海外の成長は著しく、仮想通貨にゲーム要素が組み込まれ、NFTゲームの新作タイトルとしてのそのプロジェクトのネイティブコインが上場するなど、現在もその多様性は広がり続けています。 また本サイトの仮想通貨 上場予定 [cur_year]年版は、大手企業の思惑や不明確な採用基準にとらわれていないので、先入観にとらわれることなく自身に合った投資先を比較するにはうってつけです。 本記事で少しでも気になる新仮想通貨があればすぐにプレセール情報をリサーチしてみましょう。今回はVote-to-Earn型プラットフォーム Love Hate Inuが見事おすすめランキング1位に輝きました。 訪問 Love Hate Inu 今 よくあるご質問 仮想通貨 上場予定 一覧はどこで確認できますか? 仮想通貨 上場予定 一覧の最新情報はCoinmarketcap.comをチェックしてみると良いでしょう。仮想通貨とブロックチェーンのエコシステムにおけるすべての主要なイベントをリストアップしています。 バイナンスの仮想通貨上場予定一覧はどこにありますか? バイナンスの仮想通貨上場予定の最新情報は、バイナンスのウェブサイトを訪れてみましょう。 Love Hate Inuに投資すべきでしょうか? Love Hate Inuのトークンが有益な投資になるかどうかは確認できませんが、このプロジェクトでは、ユーザーはトークンを獲得し、オンライン投票に参加し、LHINUドルを賭けることができます。さらに、Love Hate Inuはプレセール開始後、わずか数日で250万ドル以上を調達することに成功しました。 免責事項 :これは投資アドバイスとして解釈されるべきではありません。 仮想通貨は不安定な資産です。投資する前に独自の調査を行い、失う余裕のあるお金だけを投資してください。 この記事のリンクをクリックすることで手数料を受け取る場合があります。 Contact Details Finance News Alex Brown

March 27, 2023 04:42 AM Eastern Daylight Time

Article thumbnail News Release

Blackbird CEO "delighted" with "fifth straight year of growth"

Blackbird PLC

Blackbird PLC (AIM:BIRD, OTCQX:BBRDF) CEO Ian McDonough speaks to Proactive's Thomas Warner about the technology company's final results for 2022. McDonough gives his highlights from the year and puts the results in their context, saying that Blackbird is moving into the third phase of a three-phase project. He adds that he's "delighted" with "fifth straight year of growth." Contact Details Proactive UK Ltd +44 20 7989 0813

March 27, 2023 03:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time

Article thumbnail News Release

Utilities Sector ETF ‘XLU’ May Help Temper Market Volatility

Select Sector SPDR

The utilities sector warrants consideration by investors for offering a potential hedge against market volatility. Demand for the electricity, gas, and renewable energy that utilities provide is a constant despite market gyrations. The Utilities Select Sector SPDR Fund ( XLU ) is a go-to sector ETF, providing a low-cost*, and easily accessible vehicle that goes to the heart of the biggest U.S. companies in the industry. Launched in 1998, the fund has been a stalwart and should be considered in a diversified portfolio. Energy exposure is critical to a diversified investment portfolio. But energy can also be volatile. That’s where utilities can play a role. The Utilities Select Sector SPDR offers an area in the investment space often overlooked by investors. XLU is actively traded, as 2022 average daily volume exceeded 15 million shares. With $16 billion** in assets under management and a low total expense ratio of 0.10%*, the fund holds some of the biggest utilities companies in the sector, including 30 companies with a median weighted market cap of $26 billion. And as utilities are known to do by producing consistent dividends, XLU currently is producing attractive dividend income which is paid quarterly to the ETF holders. The Top Holdings** XLU tracks a market-cap-weighted index of U.S. utilities stocks drawn exclusively from the S&P 500. The top holdings (with their weightings): NextEra Energy ( 15.04%) Duke Energy ( 7.74% ) Southern Company ( 7.32% ) Sempra Energy ( 5.02%) Dominion Energy ( 4.94% ) American Electric Power ( 4.82% ) Exelon ( 4.28% ) Xcel Energy ( 3.77% ) Consolidated Edison ( 3.38% ) Public Service Enterprise Group ( 3.21% ) The top 10 companies represent nearly 60% of the fund’s holdings. The Utilities Index ETF primarily includes companies that produce, generate, transmit, or distribute electricity or natural gas. The other compelling component in this sector is the evolution of renewable energy. Renewable Energy There are developing and interesting dynamics within the utilities sector that may be worth considering. For instance, the cost of renewable energy materials has been declining. Tax credits, the wave of new development, and the increasing construction of solar panels and wind farms have decreased the overall cost of producing those forms of energy. But the overarching factor with the utilities sector is that it is an industry that consumers, businesses, and the economies need to function. XLU captures exposure in a lower-volatility manner that monetizes “keeping the lights on.” The utilities sector ETF – XLU – is a reliable sector vehicle for historically steady earnings and dividends. The companies in the fund literally power our economy and the sector cannot be overlooked. The ETF is worth a serious consideration. Utilities has long been a key component to a diversified portfolio. Sector SPDR ETFs divide the S&P 500 index into categories that offer specific exposure to the market through its suite of 11 sector ETFs. For a full lineup of Sector SPDR ETFs, click here. DISCLAIMER: This is a work of research and should not be taken as investment or financial advice. Therefore, Select Sector SPDRs or the publisher is not liable for any decision made based on the publication. About the Company: Select Sector SPDR ETFs offer flexibility and customization opportunities. Many investors have similar outlooks, but no two are exactly alike. Select Sector SPDR ETFs let investors select the sectors that best meet their investment goals. *Ordinary brokerage fees apply **Holdings, Weightings & Assets as 2/28/23 subject to change DISCLOSURES The S&P 500 Index is an unmanaged index of 500 common stocks that is generally considered representative of the U.S. stock market. The index is heavily weighted toward stocks with large market capitalizations and represents approximately two-thirds of the total market value of all domestic common stocks. The S&P 500 Index figures do not reflect any fees, expenses or taxes. An investor should consider investment objectives, risks, fees and expenses before investing. One may not invest directly in an index. Transparent ETFs provide daily disclosure of portfolio holdings and weightings All ETFs are subject to risk, including loss of principal. Sector ETF products are also subject to sector risk and nondiversification risk, which generally will result in greater price fluctuations than the overall market. Diversification does not eliminate risk. An investor should consider investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses carefully before investing. To obtain a prospectus, which contains this and other information, call 1-866-SECTOR-ETF (732-8673) or visit Read the prospectus carefully before investing. ALPS Portfolio Solutions Distributor, Inc., a registered broker-dealer, is distributor for the Select Sector SPDR Trust. Media Contact: Company: Select Sector SPDRs Contact: Dan Dolan* Address: 1290 Broadway, Suite 1100, Denver, CO 80203 Country: United States Email: Website: *Dan Dolan is a Registered Representative of ALPS Portfolio Solutions Distributor, Inc. ALPS Portfolio Solutions Distributor, Inc., a registered broker-dealer, is the distributor for the Select Sector SPDR Trust. Contact Details Select Sector SPDR Dan Dolan Company Website

March 24, 2023 02:30 PM Eastern Daylight Time

Article thumbnail News Release

Pepper Content releases Pepper CMP, a powerful platform to empower businesses to scale content marketing by marrying enterprise workflows, expert talent, and AI

Pepper Content

Pepper Content, an AI-powered content creator with an expert-led talent marketplace, is today announcing the launch of its much anticipated Content Marketing Platform (CMP), an all-in-one platform that brings together the power of AI, human creativity, and seamless workflows and software that can empower the modern marketer. Content marketing is a $400 billion industry and has seen a massive boom over the last decade. Pepper’s new platform seeks to address the many pain points that content marketers face and fills in the gaps by automating content operations and integrating technology with creative experts, all within one content workflow. “As a content company at heart, we understand content marketers' hurdles. These range from finding the right talent and subject matter experts, managing content operations smoothly, and the hard work of manoeuvring through multiple tools to create, manage and analyse their content efforts. Our content marketing platform sits at this perfect intersection where we have utilised the capabilities of our AI-powered content assistant,, and created never-before-seen workflows to manage content from strategy to analytics, all within one tool,” says Anirudh Singla, Co-founder and CEO of Pepper Content. Key Features Content Workflows that Work for You Most content tools work in isolation. Marketers subscribe to one tool for keyword research, sign into a marketplace to find the subject matter experts to actually create the content, use multiple spreadsheets to manage their editorial calendar and the content production process, and a plethora of other tools for analysis and more. Pepper’s Content Marketing Platform will be the place with the most efficient tools in the hands of a marketer. Instead of function-first, it is built with a workflow-first approach, keeping the marketer at the front and centre of its technology. Content hub for multiple tools Unique AI-powered tools like Pepper Docs, Pepper’s very own workspace An intuitive, step-by-step interface State-of-the-art AI Technology The platform leverages the expertise gained via, launched two years ago with a global base of 400,000+ users. Not only has AI been integrated into the content creation process through powerful prompts, but it is also placed strategically along the entire content marketing process, to shortlist and assemble the perfect team of creators and experts for a customer, define strategy through smart keyword research and smart features like Content Audit and Content Refresh. Templatized prompts to beat the blank page blues Enhanced AI firepower to create a strategy and assemble the right team Content Audit and Refresh tools built into the workflow The Power of Human Creativity Finding the right talent and subject matter experts and getting the best out of them is still a major challenge for marketers. Pepper’s 150,000+ expert creative talent marketplace combined with the capabilities of the Content Marketing Platform enables customers to create easy content briefs, find the right creators for the job, and track the delivery and monitor quality, all within the platform. Top 3% of global talent filtered through an intense editorial process Leverage the power of AI to ensure error-free, high-quality content Get matched to the right people based on your niche and needs “Pepper Content is a hidden gem! You can create content with AI and hire top 3% of freelance talent. The AI can tell you what keywords are relevant, and can create the first draft which is then shared with editors, and everything is managed in this one cool platform!” said Kieran Flanagan, CMO, Zapier. Simplify with Seamless Integrations The true value of any platform lies in its ability to integrate with various tools that are already a part of the modern marketer’s army. Pepper’s Content Marketing Platform has seamless workflows integrated with tools such as SEMrush, Google Analytics, Copyscape, Grammarly, and WordPress, to name a few. As and when the need arises in the content marketing process, each tool presents itself - almost like magic. Deep-dive into insights with the power of tools you already use Current partners include SEMrush, Google Analytics, Copyscape, Grammarly, and WordPress. More to follow soon. “We spoke to 200+ global marketing leaders in the past few months who validated this platform that we set out to build. Hearing leaders from companies like WordPress, Hubspot, Snowflake, and Evernote - to name a few - talk about what their ‘dream CMP’, would look like and then mapping it to our product roadmap gave us an amazing insight into what the next revolution in the content marketing landscape was. We believe that with this platform, we are ushering in the future of content marketing that is all about the right technology, people, and processes.” says Rishabh Shekhar, Co-founder, and COO at Pepper Content. With a vision to manage content every step of the way, the platform enables building an SEO content strategy, content operations, content analytics, and distribution. It solves three main objectives that most marketers struggle with when it comes to content: growing organic traffic, scaling content efficiently, and providing content ROI. About Pepper Content Pepper Content is a content marketing stack that combines a powerful Content Marketing Platform with an expert-led, global talent marketplace. It enables enterprises and SMBs to streamline their content marketing efforts with the help of state-of-the-art AI-powered tools that supercharge every aspect of the content marketing workflow, from content creation to operations and analytics. AI + Human creativity Pepper makes content marketing easy through its unique approach to the entire content marketing process. It leverages technology and talent to create high-quality content at scale with the objective of helping businesses scale organic growth and prove content marketing ROI, in a hassle-free manner. Global expert talent With a network of over 150,000+ content creators Pepper caters to 2500+ global brands like Amazon, Adobe, Google, to name a few. Contact Details Pepper Content Bilal Mahmood +44 7714 007257 Company Website

March 24, 2023 11:00 AM Pacific Daylight Time

Article thumbnail News Release

Nextech3D.AI announces company has surpassed 1,000 signups for Toggle3D platform


Nextech3D.AI chief product officer Dasha Vdovina joined Steve Darling from Proactive to share news the company has seen a 963% increase in users of its platform in the past 60 days. Vdovina told Proactive that the AI-powered SaaS CAD to 3D Design Platform has crossed over 1,000 sign-ups on the platform. The company expects to spin-out Toggle3D in the next 60-days with the trading symbol being TGGL. Contact Details Proactive Investors Canada +1 604-688-8158

March 24, 2023 01:29 PM Eastern Daylight Time

Article thumbnail News Release

MatchPub Emerges as a Leading Video Chat App with over 600K Downloads


MatchPub, a reputable video chat app with the tagline “Swipe Less, Match Better”, was launched on the App Store and Google Play store 3 months ago. Since then, over 600,000 users have downloaded MatchPub, which enables them to connect with new people and have video conversations with verified users. Nataliya Kittani, the Marketing Director of MatchPub, highlighted the app's unique selling proposition, stating: “MatchPub stands out from its competitors by providing a safe environment and excellent user experience.” MatchPub aims to bring the pub experience into the digital world to offer users a trustworthy chat environment. Users can register for free on MatchPub and have video conversations with other verified users. The online dating app market is on the rise The online dating app market is experiencing rapid growth, reaching US$ 8 billion in 2022, with over 300 million people using these apps worldwide. MatchPub is among the new players in the competitive landscape, aiming to carve out a niche for itself. MatchPub allows users to communicate with new acquaintances via text and video chat, and it includes automatic translation support, making it easier for users from different countries to communicate with each other. Highest standards for vetting users To ensure the platform's safety and security, MatchPub employs strict auditing policies to prevent inappropriate situations from occurring. Kittani emphasized that these policies are clearly specified in the app's confidentiality and security policies, user agreement, and confidentiality policy texts, commenting, “Our users' security, privacy, and comfort are of the utmost importance to us.” MatchPub Club, a premium membership model, is available for users seeking to enhance their MatchPub experience. MatchPub Club members have access to premium features such as location-independent people search, ten times more visibility, and unlimited messaging. MatchPub can be downloaded for free on the App Store and Google Play store. Contact Details MatchPub Nataliya Kittani Company Website

March 24, 2023 09:45 AM Central Daylight Time

Article thumbnail News Release

Applied UV's Devices Effective Against Dangerous Pathogen Candida Auris As CDC Warns Of Rapid Spread In US Healthcare Facilities

Applied UV, Inc.

Applied UV, Inc. (NASDAQ: AUVI) recently announced that the Center of Disease Control (CDC) has warned that Candida Auris (C. auris) is spreading rapidly through U.S. healthcare facilities. As the company previously announced, the Sterilumen family of disinfection devices was independently tested by ResInnova Laboratories (an independent microbiology testing laboratory specializing in antimicrobial technologies) who confirmed that the Company’s devices kill C.auris on sink handles, achieving a log2 kill in just fifteen minutes of operation. Applied UV’s recently acquired Puro UV completed independent lab testing commissioned by Violet Defense ™, the UV technology provider powering Puro’s Helo products, and performed at an EPA and FDA GLP-compliant, ISO 17025 Accredited Testing Laboratory. Testing determined that Puro UV disinfecting fixtures are effective at killing the C. auris fungus. Sterilumen’s complete family of air and surface disinfection devices including Airocide® Air Purification System, a proprietary airborne pathogen killing technology originally developed for use by NASA and listed as a FDA Class II Medical Device that uses a patented combination of UVC and a proprietary, titanium dioxide based photocatalyst, kills the emerging multi-drug resistant fungus, Candida auris (“C. auris”) as well as its surface disinfection platform Lumicide. Additionally, independent research previously conducted demonstrated that Airocide® also kills MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus). Applied UV‘s patented LumiCide Surface and Drain UVC Disinfecting Systems is currently installed within the world renowned Mt. Sinai Medical Center Morningside in a trial, the results of which are expected to be published late in Q3 2023 which would further validate the previously obtained independent results conducted by ResInnova Laboratories. This validation could facilitate the adoption of the Company’s LumiCide Surface and Drain disinfection solutions throughout healthcare facilities globally. Mount Sinai Morningside, formerly known as Mount Sinai St. Luke's, is a teaching hospital located in the Morningside Heights neighborhood of Manhattan in New York City. Mount Sinai Morningside is affiliated with the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai and the Mount Sinai Health System, a nonprofit hospital system formed by the merger of Continuum Health Partners and the Mount Sinai Medical Center in September 2013. It provides general medical and surgical facilities, ambulatory care, and a Level 2 Trauma Center, verified by the American College of Surgeons. It operates 21 clinics and as of 2020, is nationally ranked by U.S. News & World Report. Candida auris is an emerging fungal pathogen that presents a serious global health threat. It enters the body through the skin and infects the bloodstream, central nervous system, and multiple internal organs. It has been identified as being multiple drug resistant, and the disease is particularly pernicious in patients with weakened immune systems, which is why it is so problematic in hospitals and long-term care facilities. “CDC“ currently considers Candidiasis as one of the most significant infectious diseases in the world today. Applied UV’s LumiCide Disinfection System product line has the following attributes: Focus on the sink area and drain. Focuses on pathogens that accumulate on the sink area, including handles, faucets and backsplash and in the drain. UVC LED Pathogen Destruction. Destroys 4 logs (99.99%) some of the most dangerous pathogens like COVID 19, MERSA C’diff, in the bathroom vanity/sink area with at least two hours of continuous use. Automatic operation. Built-in programmable controller that ensures operation for the full required daily time and is not dependent on manual operation. Continuous operation. Works in cycles of two hours on and four hours off, except for the disinfecting drain which is on 15 minutes every hour. The timing protocol is managed by a programmable controller and a motion detector enclosed within each device and works while the room is still occupied and while the bathroom is not in use, therefore, continuously disinfecting an area of ongoing high contamination. Safety. Built-in motion detector and sensor automatically shuts off the UVC light when anyone enters the room eliminating any concern over UV safety. Once there is no movement in the room for 10 minutes the UVC light comes back on to restart and continue its cycle. Removable UVC LED panel. The UVC LEDs are installed via a removable panel, leading to ease of replacement or upgrade. Ease of Installation. The unit is easy to install and uses standard electrical wiring. IOT connectivity. IOT connectivity uses Wi-Fi and RF technology that enables continuous transmission of use and functionality data over the Internet for collection and analysis. Applied UV’s internal research and research provided by the CDC estimates that each year about one in 25 U.S. hospital patients (approximately 1.4 million people) are diagnosed with at least one infection related to hospital care alone and additional infections occur in other healthcare settings. Approximately 900,000 Americans die each year due to complications associated with Hospital Acquired Infections (“HAI”). Many HAI’s are caused by the most urgent and serious antibiotic-resistant (AR) bacteria and my lead to sepsis or death. According to NIH, Healthcare-associated infections are known to increase the length of stay, healthcare costs, and mortality. Each year the top five healthcare-associated infections result in about $9.8 billion in costs. Applied UV is focused on the development and acquisition of technology that addresses infection control in the healthcare, hospitality, commercial and municipal markets. The Company has two wholly owned subsidiaries - SteriLumen, Inc. (“SteriLumen”) and Munn Works, LLC (“Munn Works”). SteriLumen’s Airocide® air purification devices are research-backed, clinically proven, and developed for NASA with assistance from the University of Wisconsin. Airocide® is listed as an FDA Class II Medical device, utilizes a proprietary photo-catalytic (PCO) bioconversion technology that draws air into a reaction chamber that converts damaging molds, microorganisms, dangerous airborne pathogens, destructive VOCs, allergens, odors, and biological gasses into harmless water vapor and green carbon dioxide without producing ozone or other harmful byproducts. Airocide® applications include healthcare, hospitality, grocery chains, wine-making facilities, commercial real estate, schools, dental offices, post-harvest, grocery, cannabis facilities, and homes. SteriLumen’s connected platform for Data-Driven Disinfection™ applies the power of ultraviolet light (UVC) to destroy pathogens safely, thoroughly, and automatically, addressing the challenge of healthcare-acquired infections ("HAIs"). Targeted for use in facilities that have high customer turnover such as hospitals, hotels, commercial facilities, and other public spaces, the Company’s Lumicide™ platform uses UVC LEDs in several patented designs for infection control in and around high-traffic areas, including sinks and restrooms, killing bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens residing on hard surfaces within devices’ proximity. The Company’s patented in-drain disinfection device, Lumicide Drain, is the only product on the market that addresses this critical pathogen-intensive location. This post contains sponsored advertising content. This content is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be investing advice. Contact Details Brett Maas- Hayden IR Company Website

March 24, 2023 09:25 AM Eastern Daylight Time

Article thumbnail News Release

UAT Group’s Subsidiary, H2O Processing, Submits Proposal to Texas Railroad Commission

Umbra Applied Technologies Group, Inc.

McapMediaWire -- Umbra Applied Technologies Group, Inc's (OTC: UATG ) subsidiary, H2O Processing, announced today that, at the request of The Texas Railroad Commission (“TRC”), it has submitted a proposal to support a pilot program designed to treat and reduce wastewater currently being disposed of in salt water discharge wells. The objective of the TRC’s program is to not only reduce the amount of discharge water, but to address the amount of seismic activity in the Permian basin. H2O has developed a proprietary process to significantly reduce the volume of water injected in to salt water discharge (SWD) wells. The process can: 1. Treat the water to a quality that can be used for agricultural use. 2. Treat high salinity water by separating the salt and reducing the remaining byproduct for disposal to approximately 10%. 3. The separated salt can be captured and marketed as a commodity. The H2O proposal outlines the use of a 200 gallons per minute system (6,700 BBls/day) and includes a mechanical evaporation unit to treat water where the chlorides are above 60,000 ppm. H2O believes this system will properly demonstrate the viability of the process. Once this pilot project is completed then, H2O can work with the TRC for larger systems to be deployed to treat larger volumes of water in various areas identified by the TRC. The systems are portable and can be used in different locations in order to prove the ability to treat different waters from different locations and wells. H2O Processing Chief Executive Officer, Stan Abrams stated,” We are very excited to team up with and support the efforts of the Texas Railroad Commission. My team and I are looking forward to working with the Commission and the great State of Texas”. H2O’s evaporation process is a mechanical system that will produce a “clean salt” that is less than 10% moisture. The salt can be processed into several products to meet a large demand and market. The salt commodity can be marketed and removed from the process sites and converted into an income-producing product instead of a waste product to be injected in to a SWD. H2O Processing’s proprietary system treats high percentage chlorides in water so that the final ratio of wastewater is reduced by as much as 90%. The proposed system can also recapture water through the evaporation process via a condensation system. Water recaptured in a condensation process would be high-quality water and 100% reusable. H2O Processing is a manufacturing, research, and engineering company, with extensive experience in the water treatment industry. With an expanding portfolio of intellectual property, the H2O team has just recently begun its expansion as a full provider and manufacturer of mobile on-site and fixed commercial water treatment platforms. H2O Processing’s mobile water treatment platform concluded field testing within Oklahoma and has been awarded the only state-wide permit in all 77 counties, to treat deleterious water to non-deleterious water. The mobile platforms are fully automated and can be managed remotely by either H2O Processing from their headquarters in Denver or managed by an onsite team. The mobile platform is ready for commercial production and is now being delivered into the market. Chairman of H2O Processing parent company, UAT Group, Alex Umbra commented, “This proposal, once accepted, carries a significant environmental impact potential that is unrivaled in this segment. Once again, H2O and UAT Group, continue to further demonstrate their shared commitment to the environment and bringing forth responsible technology that brings value to our customers as well as our shareholders”. The Company continues to work on non-dilutive financing to build and construct their proprietary Iron Removal Systems for the oil industry as outlined in prior news releases. The recent turmoil in the US banking industry resulting from the collapse of the Silicon Valley Bank has slowed our progress but we remain optimistic that this will be achieved as well. For more information about H2O Processing, Inc. visit: For more information visit Investor and Media Contact: About H2O Processing, Inc. The Company is located in Denver, CO, and is an advanced water and oil treatment technology company. NEITHER THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE COMMISSION NOR ITS REGULATION SERVICES PROVIDER ACCEPTS RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ADEQUACY OR ACCURACY OF THIS NEWS RELEASE. Forward-Looking Information This news release may include "forward-looking statements" including forecasts, estimates, expectations, and objectives for future operations including but not limited to its ability to conclude a business combination with a third party, sale of assets, return of capital or initial public offering and/or a secondary listing as a result of aforementioned and its ability to fund the exploration of its assets through the raising of equity or debt capital or through funding by a joint venture partner that are subject to a number of assumptions, risks, and uncertainties, many of which are beyond the control of H2O Processing including but not limited to capital markets and securities risks and continued development success on technology. There can be and are no actual or implied guarantees that any of the above activities will be completed or completed on terms acceptable to the Company and its shareholders or approved by any regulatory authority having jurisdiction. Such forward-looking information represents management's best judgment based on information currently available. No forward-looking statement can be guaranteed and actual future results may vary materially. H2O Processing does not assume the obligation to update any forward-looking statement, except as required by applicable law. Contact Details UAT Group

March 24, 2023 08:30 AM Eastern Daylight Time

Article thumbnail News Release

Top 7 Best Essay Writing Services for Students - Updated Review (2023)

Skyscrapers LLC

The demand for professional essay writing services is at an all-time high. Especially with the start of the new academic year, students are looking to buy essay writing services to get academic help! So, more and more students are seeking professional writing assistance to help them achieve academic success. With this in mind, we are pleased to release our comprehensive guide to the best essay writing services available online. Our team of experts has identified to be the most reliable and reputable provider of essay writing services, in addition to 6 other sites. These legit services have some unique features that will suit your specific requirements. So, if you are thinking of hiring someone to write your essay, read on! Criteria for the Evaluation of Writing Services We evaluated each service based on a range of features. Some of these include Quality and Originality Guarantees and Reliability Affordability Customer Service Experience User Interface Reviews and Ratings Our guide offers a detailed review of each service based on these factors. We’ve added recommendations and advice to help students choose the best essay writing service. We have also considered the needs of different types of students, including those on a tight budget or those needing urgent assistance, while making these recommendations. Whether you are a high school student needing a basic essay or a graduate student requiring a complex research paper, our list has got you covered. Our Top Picks for the Best Essay Writing Service in 2023 for Students Are you looking for a great essay writing service to help you get through college? We understand the pressures of student life and want to make it a bit easier by finding quality essay writers that you know will deliver a great paper. - Best essay writing service with the highest rating - A writing company with 24/7 customer support - Essay writing service that guarantees customer satisfaction - Reliable write my admission essay help - Professional college paper writers to hire with freebies - Cheap essay writing company for students on a budget - Best website to buy essays online in a rush We've taken the research off your plate - all you have to do is pick from our list according to your needs and get started today! (These are authentic ratings based on customer reviews displayed on SiteJabber) Read on to get a detailed review of each of these websites and what makes them the best. is a top essay writing service in 2023 specializing in helping students with their academic writing needs. They provide customizable essay writing services to high school and college students worldwide, creating custom pieces tailored to each individual’s requirements. They offer various services, including custom essay writing, editing, proofreading, and formatting. Most Liked By Students For: Honest and authentic reviews across multiple credible platforms. The users at SiteJabber rated them 4.94/5, TrustPilot users rated them 3.9/5, and the users of rated them 5/5. What We Didn’t Like: The service has higher costs as compared to other online writing sites. So, it can be a bit costly to order from their services. How it Works: Their easy ordering process and friendly user interface are probably the reasons why they are loved by students everywhere. Here’s how you can get an essay from them: Place Order: Fill out the order form on their website. Add your assignment details like subject, academic level, deadline, number of pages, topic, references, etc. Get a Writer: You will be matched with a writer that suits your academic level and area of study. The writer will start working on your assignment while being in direct contact with you throughout. Editing & QA Check: The editors and QA team check the paper once the writer completes their job. They ensure it is free from mistakes and meets the highest academic standards. Prompt Notifications: You get notified via email and text as soon as the paper is done. Easy Download: You can easily download the paper from your portal on the website or through your email. Pricing: $10/page - $50/page depending on your deadline and academic level. Best for Students Who: Like Simple Order Processes and User-Friendly Interface If you don't like the hassle of filling out long forms and following multiple steps to get a simple paper, then might just be your service! You can do everything from placing the order to downloading your essay with just a few clicks. Moreover, the website is so easy to navigate and responsive that you’re never confused about what’s happening. is a top essay writing company online that provides academic assistance to students of all levels. With a professional team of essay writers and editors combined with cutting-edge technology, offers the best custom essay solutions. Most Liked By Students For: Offering 24/7 customer support via text, email, live chat, and call. They also offer multi-lingual support for ESL students. Moreover, they allow customers to communicate directly with their assigned writers throughout the writing process. Students also love their easy-to-use mobile applications available on Play Store and App Store. What We Didn’t Like: They only revise the essay for a period of 14 days after order submission. Most of their guarantees are also valid within this time period only. How it Works: Their order process includes 3 simple steps, which are as follows: Fill Out the Order Form: You need to visit their website and click on the order form in the top right corner. Provide Assignment Details: Fill in the fields like your subject, topic, deadline, no-of sources, list of references, additional details, etc., to let them know how you want it. Make the Payment: Transfer the payment by using any of their safe payment methods, and their writer will get busy on your project. Pricing: For High School, the price ranges from $11-28/page; for College/University, it is $14-33/page; for Masters, it is $17-37/page; and for Ph.D., it is $30-50/page. Best for Students Who: Need Round-the-Clock Customer Service and Writing Assistance If you need help with your writing needs at midnight or want an answer to your order query within seconds, then will be there. Students are amazed by how quickly they respond, no matter which hour of the day - even on Sundays! is the place to go for commendable writing services. With years of experience and a team of knowledgeable professionals, this quality essay writing company makes it easy to get an essay written quickly and accurately. They stand out among other writing service websites in their commitment to quality. Most Liked By Students For: Unlimited free revisions and 100% original assignments with FREE plagiarism reports. They will work with you on your essay even after sending it to you to ensure you are satisfied with it. You just need to tell them the necessary changes, and they’ll make it right. Moreover, they write papers from scratch and guarantee you won’t have any plagiarism troubles. What We Didn’t Like: It takes time to place an order on the site. Once you need to fill in the calculator on the page and then you need to fill in the details on the order page, which is a bit time taking. How it Works: Here’s how you can get an essay from them: Placing an Order: To place an order, you must visit the website and fill out the order form. You will need to provide details about your assignment, such as the topic, deadline, number of pages, and other specific instructions. Writer Selection: After you place an order, the team at will review your order and select a suitable writer for you. The writer will have expertise in the subject area of your assignment and will be able to provide high-quality work. Communication with the Writer: You will communicate directly with your writer throughout the writing process. This will allow you to ask questions, provide feedback, and ensure your assignment is on track. Revisions: Once your writer has completed your assignment, you can review it and request any revisions if needed. The revisions are free of charge and will be completed promptly. Delivery: Once your assignment is completed, it will be delivered to you via email or uploaded to your account on the website, along with a FREE Turnitin report. You will have access to the final version of your assignment and can download it. Pricing: Their prices start from $14/page and go up to $40/page. The exact price will be calculated based on your assignment requirements. Best for Students Who: Need Free Revisions and Customer Satisfaction For students who have extremely picky and difficult to impress instructors, will actually work with you till your assignment is perfect after review. You can get it revised for free for a period of 14 days after order delivery. They will also meet all your and your teacher’s requirements and keep in view the originality and academic integrity practices. is an online writing service that offers professional assistance with academic essays. The service is designed to help students struggling with their academic assignments. This especially includes a range of academic essays like argumentative essays, narrative essays, descriptive essays, expository essays, etc. Not just that, they have been really helpful to students looking for support and guidance in their college application process. Most Liked By Students For: Providing flawless and impressive admission essays that leave an impact on the admission officers. Many students have acknowledged their help in getting admitted to their dream schools and colleges. What We Didn’t Like: Their 50% off discount is only valid for the first order while the rest of the orders require complete payment according to the assignment requirements. How it Works: You need to take the following steps to get their essay writing services: Order Placement: To get started, you'll need to fill out the order form on the website. This form will ask for details about your assignment, such as the topic, deadline, and specific instructions. Writer Selection: Once your order is received, the team at will carefully review your requirements and select a writer with the right experience and expertise for your assignment. Order Download: Once your assignment is finalized, it will be emailed or uploaded to your account. You can access the completed assignment and download it easily. Pricing: An order to be delivered in 8+ days costs $11/page at least, and one to be delivered within 12 hours will cost $28.99 minimum. You can check out their pricing page to know their cost according to your essay requirements. Best for Students Who: Need College Admission and Application Essay Writing Help Students who need admission essays and application essay help. They provide professional essay assistance with a personal touch, so the admission committee gets to know the applicant better. Their team really understands what admission officers are looking for. is the essay writing service you can trust to help you with all of your essay-writing needs. Having worked with thousands of clients worldwide, has all the expertise and experience to get your essay done just as you want. They possess a team of exceptionally qualified writers. With years of experience in academic writing, these writers possess the skills and expertise needed to deliver high-quality papers that meet the most demanding academic standards. Most Liked By Students For: Best professional writers and multiple free features. They have 250+ writers who can write essays in 100 subjects which is why students never fall short of writing help. Moreover, with each paid order, they offer a free title page, bibliography or citation pages, free proofreading, free formatting (MLA, APA, Chicago, Harvard, etc.), and unlimited free revisions. What We Didn’t Like: Students can’t select their writer by their own choice. Instead, the service pairs them with a suitable writer itself. How it Works: This best writing service has a user-friendly platform that allows you to submit an order form specifying your specific requirements and deadline. Upon submission, the platform pairs you with a competent writer who works directly with you throughout the writing process. After your paper is done, you can review the work and request any necessary revisions to ensure that the final product meets your expectations. Pricing: Their prices range from $11/page to $50/page. However, the service allows you to pay 50% of the total cost upfront. While the rest can be paid once you’ve received your essay and are completely satisfied with it. Best for Students Who: Need Expert and Highly Qualified Writers For Complex Projects Students looking for highly qualified subject matter experts. Probably you need expert research done or want help with a complex dissertation, you will definitely find someone at for help. That, too, with several free services! is a unique yet the cheapest essay writing service that provides a free essay to its customers with no hidden costs or obligations. In addition to the free essay, the service offers a range of free tools that assist in writing, such as essay typer, grammar checker, and citation generator. These tools help students save time and effort, ensuring their papers are well-structured and properly cited. Most Liked By Students For: A first free essay by an expert writer, and a number of free essays and easily usable writing tools. If you prefer to get an essay done by a human writer, you can enjoy their first free essay offer (fair usage policy). Or, if you need writing assistance, you can use any of the tools on the site or download essays from their free essay database. What We Didn’t Like: The citation generator tool is a bit slow or sometimes doesn’t generate accurate citations. How it Works: If you want to order an essay from a qualified and experienced writer, you can visit their order form. On the other hand, if you prefer using their writing tools, simply visit their website and choose the tool you like. Enter the required details, and the tools will generate results according to your requirements. Pricing: The first essay is free to 600 words. After that, prices start at $10/per page, which includes 300 words with standard formatting. Best for Students Who: Need Free Essays and Writing Tools This site is the best source of academic writing help for students on a tight budget. As you can get your first essay free, and if that’s not enough, you don’t always need to buy the essay. You can use essay typer and other tools to get some writing assistance. To top it all, there are multiple free essays in their database that you can download for FREE and use as model papers for learning. is a professional writing service that prides itself on delivering high-quality academic papers quickly and efficiently. understands the importance of strict deadlines and ensures that all papers are delivered on time without compromising on quality. The service also provides additional benefits, such as 24/7 customer support, free revisions, and a money-back guarantee. Most Liked By Students For: This site has become a popular choice for students who are in need of rush delivery for their academic papers. Students mostly have strict deadlines to meet and lack behind. In such cases, you can rely on to help you with an essay due within 6 hours even. What We Didn’t Like: Their overall rating is a bit low compared to other sites. Some students have reported quality issues with their essays. How it Works: First, you need to fill out an order form on the website, providing details about your paper. These include the type of assignment, academic level, topic, deadline, and any specific instructions or requirements. Once you submit the order form and make the payment, the service will assign a professional writer to work on your paper. You will be able to communicate with the writer directly throughout the writing process, providing additional instructions or feedback as needed. As the writer completes the paper, it will undergo rigorous editing and quality control before being delivered to you by the deadline. Pricing: Prices start at $14 per page and are dependent on deadline, academic level, and length of your order – with 300 words per standard double-spaced Times New Roman 12pt page! Best for Students Who: Have to Meet Tight Deadlines and Fast Delivery Essay delivery within 6-12-24 hours upon request is the key feature of this service. However, they always deliver within the deadline promised and never agree upon a totally unrealistic deadline, like delivering a Ph.D. dissertation within 24 hours. Common Questions About These Legit Paper Writing Websites How Can I Choose the Best Essay Writing Service to Buy an Essay Online? Here are some criteria that you should look for when selecting the best essay writing service: 1. Quality of Writing – Make sure that the writer or team of professional writers have excellent academic writing skills. They should possess a solid understanding of grammar, punctuation, and syntax. 2. Turnaround Time – Selecting an essay writing service that can deliver top-quality work in a timely fashion is essential, as missing deadlines could potentially cost you marks. 3. Price - Whilst it's important not to sacrifice quality for the price, looking around for the best deal available is wise. Hire a college paper writer that fits your budget! 4. Reliability & Credibility - Look at reviews from past clients when you decide to hire an essay writing service. As these reviews are usually reliable indicators of determining how reputable the services may be. 5. Follow-up Support – Check if there’s any after-service support available before deciding on buying essays online. Also, look out for customer support teams with helpful experts. Are Essay Writing Services Legitimate and How? Yes, some of these services are indeed legitimate. They provide an effective avenue for students who need assistance with their essay assignments and want to ensure that they get the best grade possible. An essay writing service ensures legitimacy by complying with the highest academic integrity standards and honor code. A legit essay writer writes papers from scratch and without any plagiarism. These papers are to be used by students as examples rather than for exact submissions. Moreover, these essay writing services ensure 100% privacy and confidentiality, and all users on the platform remain anonymous always! What is the Cheapest Essay Writing Company Online? If you're looking for the cheapest writing service to make a ‘write my essay’ request, is your best option. All their services are extremely cost-effective, and they provide a ton of free tools like essay topics generator and plagiarism checker absolutely free. Moreover, students can get their first essay written online totally free with a simple sign-up process at This offer makes it even more budget-friendly for students who need affordable yet top-notch college essay writing help. Where Can I Hire College Paper to Write my Dissertation? is an essay writing service with highly qualified writers who specialize in writing dissertations and other academic papers. The dissertation writers they have are experienced and educated in their fields, with postgraduate degrees and doctorates making up the majority of their team. The dissertations they write are comprehensive and backed by a vast range of research material. This research is often provided by their own library resources, or through other reliable sources they have acquired over the years. In addition, they possess impeccable grammar and spelling skills that produce well-crafted papers every time - ensuring that all work is free from plagiarism too! Can I Order an Essay Online Without Getting Caught? Yes, it is possible to order an essay online from an essay writing service without getting caught. However, there are certain steps you should take in order to ensure that no one finds out. First and foremost, you should always use a secure essay writing service when placing your order. When selecting the website, make sure it has good privacy policies in place and offers secure payment methods such as PayPal or credit card payments. Additionally, look for reviews from academics or students who have used the site before making your purchase decision. Next, make sure that the writing service is able to provide customized essays tailored to your requirements rather than generic ones that everyone else can access. You want a unique paper so that no one can accuse you of plagiarism. You also don’t want to have a paper that could be caught through an online tool like Turnitin or Copyscape. Overall if done properly, ordering an essay online without getting caught is definitely possible. What is the Best Alternative to an Essay Writing Service? If you're looking for an alternative to traditional essay writing services, the best option is This artificial intelligence (AI) writing tool helps students create high-quality, original writing without the hassle and cost of hiring a professional editor or writer. With its AI capabilities, can generate content based on a single prompt. It writes using accurate grammar and signposting features alongside powerful natural language generation technology to offer tailored insights into any topic given. It also includes accurate research and references on topics where necessary in order to ensure that all essays are up to date with current knowledge. Furthermore, it guarantees that each document will be free from plagiarism so your work can stand out as unique among others. So, if you are not in the mood to pay for a writing service, you can take help from this AI essay writer tool. The Bottom line With an increasing number of academic writing companies on the market, finding a reliable and trustworthy essay writing service can be challenging. However, after thorough research and analysis, we have identified the top 7 best essay writing service companies for students in 2023. These services offer quality work, professional writers, affordable pricing, on-time delivery, and excellent customer support to buy an essay. Students can confidently use an essay writing service from this list and rest assured that their assignments will be completed to the highest standards. We hope that our comprehensive guide will help students make an informed decision when choosing the best essay writing service for their needs. Contact Details Skyscrapers LLC Bob Hart Company Website

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