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Le lancement du bioréacteur de The Cultivated B annonce la viabilité commerciale de l'industrie de l'agriculture cellulaire

The Cultivated B

The Cultivated B (TCB) a annoncé aujourd’hui le lancement de la production de son bioréacteur à application industrielle AUXO V™ sur le site de Burlington, dans l’Ontario, avec des délais de livraison réduits. Cette annonce représente une étape importante pour TCB, mais plus encore, répond au besoin urgent de l'industrie de l'agriculture cellulaire d'augmenter considérablement sa capacité de production mondiale afin d'atteindre une viabilité commerciale. Les délais actuels de livraison des bioréacteurs proposés par les autres fournisseurs pouvant atteindre jusqu’à deux ans, les producteurs de viandes cultivées, de médicaments et de produits de soins personnels utilisant l'agriculture cellulaire et la fermentation de précision sont confrontés à des défis pour passer de l’échelle laboratoire à la fabrication commerciale. TCB souhaite débloquer ce verrou industriel en offrant de nouveaux bioréacteurs, dont la conception innovante permet un usage simplifié pour les opérateurs, et avec des délais de livraison compétitifs de quelques semaines. « L'agriculture cellulaire n’appartient pas au futur. Elle est déjà là », a déclaré le Dr. Hamid Noori, CEO de The Cultivated B. « Les autorisations récemment accordées par USDA pour les producteurs de viande cultivée montrent que ce secteur de l'industrie progresse rapidement. Néanmoins, les producteurs ne peuvent pas faire évoluer leurs percées scientifiques et réglementaires du laboratoire à la production commerciale sans avoir la possibilité d'acheter et d'exploiter facilement des bioréacteurs. TCB révolutionne l'industrie de deux manières: premièrement, en rendant ses bioréacteurs disponibles avec des délais de livraison de seulement deux à quatre semaines; et deuxièmement, en concevant un bioréacteur qui peut être utilisé par des non-experts avec seulement quelques jours de formation. Nous changeons la donne pour l'industrie de l'agriculture cellulaire. » Les bioréacteurs AUXO V de TCB offrent une combinaison unique d'utilité et de durabilité. Contrairement aux bioréacteurs de laboratoire traditionnels, les bioréacteurs AUXO V ont été conçus et repensés par des designers industriels pour les rendre faciles à utiliser par des non-experts. Grâce à un système d'interface homme-machine et un Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) de Siemens, le personnel de production peut être formé en quelques jours à l'utilisation du système de contrôle du bioréacteur, traditionnellement réservé aux scientifiques. Les conceptions et le fonctionnement des bioréacteurs AUXO V ont été optimisés par des experts, en accordant une attention particulière aux subtilités de la précision mécanique, à la nature cruciale de l'expérience utilisateur de l'opérateur et aux défis traditionnels tels que les problèmes de contamination. Les nouveaux systèmes de bioréacteurs se concentrent également sur la durabilité, principalement en éliminant l'approche industrielle traditionnelle des bioréacteurs à usage unique. En effet, les bioréacteurs AUXO V sont fabriqués en acier inoxydable de haute qualité, ce qui les rend stérilisables et réutilisables. Leur conception optimise également l'utilisation des matériaux et vise à minimiser l'empreinte carbone de leur fabrication. Les cuves bioréacteurs multi-usages AUXO V sont économiques, flexibles et personnalisables. Ils sont disponibles dans une large gamme de tailles allant de l'échelle de laboratoire à l'échelle industrielle (jusqu'à 25 000 litres) et sont équipés de plusieurs capteurs et d’ impellers optimisés pour différents organismes, tels que les cellules animales, les bactéries ou les levures. De plus, chaque impeller est livré avec un certificat de précision, qui garantit des propriétés de mécanique des fluides optimales pour les bioréacteurs. Servant à présent de catalyseur pour l’avancement de l'agriculture cellulaire, le site de production de Burlington de TCB s'étend sur 130 000 mètres carrés et sur trois étages, et bénéficie d’un emplacement privilégié dans la région de Toronto, qui abrite l'un des plus grands clusters de l’industrie des aliments et de boissons en Amérique du Nord. L'entreprise estime que plus de 200 employés canadiens fabriqueront des bioréacteurs AUXO V pour produire des protéines alternatives à grande échelle. Pour plus d'informations sur les bioréacteurs de The Cultivated B, visitez: About The Cultivated B (TCB) The Cultivated B’s multinational team of scientists develops and applies breakthrough technologies in cellular agriculture, precision fermentation and advanced bioreactor technology to enable scalable commercialization of the cellular-agriculture industry. TCB serves startups, corporations and academic research institutions within the food, pharma, cosmetics and personal care industries. With its pioneering engineering and production capabilities, TCB enables other companies to produce alternative proteins, such as cultivated meat, at industrial scale. The company’s fundamental commitment to minimizing the natural resources used paves the way toward a sustainable future, locally, regionally and globally. TCB’s research and development team is based in Germany, with manufacturing and an innovation hub based in Canada’s Toronto region. For more information, visit and follow the company on LinkedIn. Contact Details Jenna Beaucage +1 508-340-6851 Company Website

July 19, 2023 08:06 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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Debut of Industrial-grade Bioreactor from The Cultivated B Signals Commercial Viability for Cellular Agriculture Industry

The Cultivated B

The Cultivated B (TCB) today announced the availability of its groundbreaking AUXO V ™ industrial-grade bioreactor and the start of rapid-delivery manufacturing at the company’s Burlington, Ontario plant. These represent significant milestones not only for TCB, but more importantly they address the cellular agriculture industry’s urgent need to dramatically increase global capacity in order to reach commercially viability. Because bioreactor delivery times from other vendors can be as much as two years, producers of cultivated meats, medicines and personal care products based on cellular agriculture and precision fermentation face challenges in scaling up from the lab to commercial manufacturing. TCB intends to solve that barrier to industry growth with bioreactor delivery times of just a few weeks, as well as novel, easy-to-use designs that make equipment operator training and skills transfer quick and uncomplicated. “Cellular agriculture is not a thing of the future. It has arrived,” said Dr. Hamid Noori, CEO of The Cultivated B. “The recent USDA approvals for cultivated meat producers are evidence that the industry is quickly advancing, but producers can’t scale their scientific and regulatory breakthroughs from the lab to commercial production without the ability to readily purchase and easily operate bioreactors. TCB is disrupting the industry in two ways: first, by aiming to make our industrial-grade bioreactors available with delivery times of only two to four weeks; and second, by designing a bioreactor that can be operated by non-experts with only a few days of training. We’re changing the game for the cellular agriculture industry.” TCB’s AUXO V bioreactors offer a unique combination of utility and sustainability. Unlike traditional laboratory bioreactors, AUXO V bioreactors were engineered and reimagined by industrial designers to make them easy to use by non-experts. With a human-machine interface and programmable logic controller (PLC) system from Siemens, production personnel can be trained in just a few days to use the bioreactor control system, something traditionally reserved for scientists. The designs and operation of the AUXO V bioreactors were optimized by experts, paying close attention to subtleties of mechanical precision, the crucial nature of operator user-experience, and traditional challenges such as contamination issues. The new bioreactor systems also focus on sustainability, primarily by eliminating the industry’s traditional single-use approach to bioreactors. Instead, AUXO V bioreactors are made of high-grade stainless steel, which makes them sterilizable and reusable. The designs also optimize use of materials and are meant to minimize manufacturing carbon footprint. The AUXO V multi-use bioreactor vessels are cost-effective, flexible and customizable. They are available in a wide range of sizes from lab scale to industrial scale (up to 25,000 liters) and are equipped with multiple sensors and optimized impellers for different organisms, such as animal cells, bacteria or yeast. In addition, every impeller comes with a certificate of accuracy, which ensures optimal fluid mechanical properties of the bioreactors. Now serving as an immediate catalyst for advancement in cellular agriculture, TCB's Burlington plant spans 130,000 square feet across three floors and benefits from its location in the Toronto region, home to one of the largest food and beverage clusters in North America. The company estimates that more than 200 Canadian employees will be manufacturing AUXO V bioreactors to produce alternative proteins at scale. For more information about The Cultivated B’s bioreactors, visit: About The Cultivated B (TCB) The Cultivated B’s multinational team of scientists develops and applies breakthrough technologies in cellular agriculture, precision fermentation and advanced bioreactor technology to enable scalable commercialization of the cellular-agriculture industry. TCB serves startups, corporations and academic research institutions within the food, pharma, cosmetics and personal care industries. With its pioneering engineering and production capabilities, TCB enables other companies to produce alternative proteins, such as cultivated meat, at industrial scale. The company’s fundamental commitment to minimizing the natural resources used paves the way toward a sustainable future, locally, regionally and globally. TCB’s research and development team is based in Germany, with manufacturing and an innovation hub based in Canada’s Toronto region. For more information, visit and follow the company on LinkedIn. Contact Details Rainier Communications for TCB Jenna Beaucage +1 508-340-6851 Company Website

July 19, 2023 08:05 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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Best Hearing Aids: Read Consumer Reports For Best Over The Counter Hearing Aids

Allied PR

Officially, OTC hearing aids are available for purchase. Previously, people purchased hearing aids primarily from audiologists or other hearing professionals. The new devices are convenient and usually cost-effective for those with mild or moderate hearing loss, although not always. Research carefully before making a rash purchase Consider customization level, battery type, return policy, and smartphone app requirement. The price ranges from around $200 to almost $2,000 per pair. We've analyzed these features for various OTC hearing aid brands. Not an exhaustive list, but here are some key industry players: Audien Atom - Editor’s Pick for Enhance Hearing Overall Chosgo Hearing - Most User-Friendly Hearing Aid Fisdemo - Easiest to Use Hearing Aids for Severe Hearing Loss Otofonix - Best Options for Hearing Aids 1. Audien Atom - Editor’s Pick for Enhance Hearing Overall in USA What is Audien Atom? It is the tiniest and cheapest hearing aid option. Audien Atom is a compact and comfortable device with all the necessary technologies and features to enhance hearing. It is a cost-effective, patent-pending hearing aid that can also reduce bothersome ringing noises. The device will fit snugly into your ears even if it is not specifically designed for your ear canal. It is crucial as it will affect the audio quality too. The Atom's compact size and skin tone enable discrete wearing. It is sleeker and more compact than many expensive hearing aids available. (LOWEST PRICE ONLINE) Click Here to Buy Audien Atom For The Lowest Price Today Working Simple hearing aids include a speaker, amplifier, and microphone that enhance speech comprehension and reduce background noise. Atom enhances and distills core hearing aid design principles. It is offered at the lowest possible price by cutting out intermediaries and their high costs. Simply turn on and place the hearing amplifiers in the ears, after removing them from the charging dock. No app is needed for amplifying a frequency or muffling noise. It requires just a single button to power on/off and adjust the level. Atom can restore your hearing instantly if you've noticed it declining, as if you always have earplugs in your ears. It's a great option for those in the gray area. Features Unparalleled High-Quality Sound: Experience a New Level of Audio The Atom is cozy, indeed. Yes, it is virtually invisible. Indeed, one charge suffices for all-day usage. Above all, Atom works. The advanced features of the Audien Atom deliver enhanced audio clarity for your constant enjoyment. Atom ensures every syllable is heard. Remains charged for a long time Don't worry about batteries dying or running out. Atom is both strong and the most reliable hearing aid available. Quick charge atom with USB-C, long-lasting 20-hour wireless battery, and magnetic connection. The chic, portable charging case adds an extra four days of battery life to the Atom Pro. Low Visibility Design The Atom hearing aid is the tiniest in its category. They disappear into the ear canal, making them unnoticeable. They are incredibly comfortable, so much so that you might forget you're wearing them. Hassle-Free The Hassle-Free Hearing Atom is safe for everyone because no hearing test or prescription is required. Conveniently order online for quick delivery to your door! Specifications Height x Length of the top - 1.4 cm x 0.9 cm Bottom dimensions - 0.4 cm H x 0.4 cm L (inserts into the ear). Weight - 1.9 grams Type - ITC For Mild to moderate hearing loss Battery type - Rechargeable Bluetooth compatibility - No Charging time: 4-6 hours. Battery life: 20-hours Bluetooth charging - yes 22% smaller EV1 earbuds, six extra sets. Sound - Clear, crisp Patent for comfortable design. Package includes a transport bag and wax-infused brush guards with three points. 2. Chosgo Hearing - Most User-Friendly Hearing Aid in USA & UK Chosgo is a direct-to-customer traditional manufacturer, eliminating the intermediary entirely for no additional audiologist, rent, and overhead expenses. The company stocks top-notch chips and regularly updates its technology for the finest quality over-the-counter hearing aids, enhancing your life's quality. (AMAZING DISCOUNT) Get Chosgo Hearing Aids For The Lowest Price Here Features Size - Tiniest available Smart U Rechargeable Hearing Aids Easier control with Bluetooth app Free shipping 45 days free trial Fast delivery 1 year warranty Free Lifetime Support Money back guarantee Benefits Chosgo excels in sound quality with an upgraded digital chip. Chosgo 12-channel hearing aids improve sound reception across multiple frequency bands, ensuring you don't miss conversations with loved ones. Chosgo hearing aids have a chip that reduces background noise, making it easier for you to hear in noisy environments. Helps you hear better. Chosgo excels in being lightweight and compact. It offers a discreet fit for unnoticed hearing aid use. The Chosgo hearing aids are smaller and lighter compared to other models. A solitary earpiece weighs only 2g. Easily worn all day. Chosgo hearing aids have an adjustable switch. They are controlled by one-button buttons rather than traditional mechanical switches. 8 volume levels for customization, switch on/off with long press, control volume with short press. Chosgo hearing aids offer a consistent output, eliminating the need for frequent adjustments with a screwdriver. Stress-free Charging: 24-hour battery life and 128-hour wireless charging box. Battery replacement is not required for 2-3 days. Charging the hearing aid should only be done while resting to ensure storage and charging synchronize. Charging time ranges from 2-4 hours. It charges automatically while you're asleep. What is in the package? The package includes the following: 6 pairs of ear caps for hearing aids 4 pairs of cerumen caps charging cables cleaning brushes Select appropriately sized ear caps for a more comfortable and convenient fit of your hearing aids. The company offers cleaning brushes and cerumen caps to prolong the lifespan of your hearing aids. Its after-sales service is available 24/7 with exceptional quality. It believes in solving problems directly, one-on-one. 3. Fisdemo - Easiest to Use Hearing Aids for Severe Hearing Loss Fisdemo Hearing Aids improves customers' quality of life with innovative hearing solutions. Its dedicated audiologists and technicians provide personalized care and support to enhance your hearing and quality of life. Standard hearing aids are prohibitively expensive for consumers in the hearing aid industry. Some people have friends or parents lacking the means to buy suitable hearing aids or replace a lost one. The cost of conventional hearing solutions and the difficulty in finding affordable alternatives is surprisingly very high. The hearing aid market incentivizes the purchase of expensive products from large corporations through a network of various entities. Thus, the company created Fisdemo as another option. It produces reasonably priced, top-notch hearing aids developed by audiologists and hearing experts because it believes everyone should have equal access to hearing. Making affordable hearing aids alone is inadequate. The company also offers outstanding customer service. Online shopping for hearing aids adds to the challenge. Fisdemo's offering includes exceptional local customer service, complimentary shipping, and a 45-day refund policy. Here are the models offered by the company - Fisdemo Nature Self-Fitting FDA-Cleared OTC Adult Hearing Aids - Most Nature Sound, Rechargeable, Virtually Invisible Fit for Mid to Moderate Hearing Loss Key Features Customize your hearing experience with HA-Fit mobile APP. RIC - In-ear receiver minimizes distortion and feedback, leading to clear and natural sound. Fisdemo Omni has a virtually invisible and lightweight golden beige design. Unnoticeable and comfortable for all-day wear, unknown to anyone. Fisdemo Nature is rechargeable, providing a fast recharge and all-day battery life. The fully charged hearing aids last for over 36 hours, requiring only 2 hours to charge. The portable charging box is easy to transport. Click here to order Fisdemo Nature Self-Fitting OTC Adult Hearing Aids Fisdemo M OTC Rechargeable Hearing Aids for Adults and Seniors with Invisible Fit and All-Day Comfort, Dual Microphone, 35 hours Battery Life, Noise Reduction and Nature Sound Customize your listening experience with 4 programs and 8 volume levels for background noise reduction. Fast and Rechargeable: A 2-hour charge offers 35 hours of standby. Fisdemo M is suitable for mild to moderate hearing loss, offering a maximum sound gain of 40±5 db and effectively eliminating whistling noise with advanced feedback canceling technology. Convenient controls: User-friendly push button for effortless adjustments Crystal-clear audio: Advanced digital chip enhances language clarity, reduces noise, and promotes effortless and enjoyable listening. Click Here to Buy Fisdemo M OTC Rechargeable Hearing Aids Fisdemo Beau Rechargeable Invisible OTC Hearing Aids with Noise Canceling for Adults Seniors (pair), 2 in 1 Charging Box with free Charger and Dryer Improved hearing and comfort: A hearing aid can amplify sounds for comfortable listening if you have mild to moderate hearing difficulties. Usually, it takes a week to adapt to the new sound provided by these aids. Noise reduction: Aids with automatic optical in-ear detection. It turns on when worn and turns off when taken out. Automatically transition to the previous debug mode upon insertion. Earphone box dries quickly: The heat emission holes automatically dry the earphone box after charging, prolonging the lifespan of your hearing aids - extra earbud storage for convenient transport. Battery: The earphone case has a rechargeable battery with a 38 hour battery life and can be fully charged in 2-3 hours, allowing for 4 charging cycles. The hearing enhancement device provides 38 hours of complete sound support. Charger case included: No need to buy new batteries. The case functions well and indicates the charging status clearly. It's effortless to position them correctly and determine charging status instantly. Ear domes - Soft, flexible ear domes improve sound quality and offer a comfy fit by conforming to your ear canals. Easily fitted and removable, five pairs are available. Choose the suitable size, style, and color for your needs. View Pricing & Availability of Fisdemo Beau Rechargeable Invisible OTC Hearing Aids Fisdemo Fort Pro Rechargeable Hearing Aid Behind the Ear with Portable Charger Superb clarity: The small, high-tech gadget offers exceptionally clear sound. Cutting-edge digital equipment enables higher-quality vocal projection for individuals with mild to severe hearing loss. All day use: It has low distortion, medium power output, and a low battery indicator. Comfortable and discreet: Equipped with a Dual Super-Cardioid Polar Pattern Microphone for an enjoyable listening experience. 45-day refund policy on Fisdemo Hearing Aids: Return within 45 days if unsatisfied for a full refund. Buy Fisdemo Fort Pro Rechargeable Hearing Aid For an Unbelievable Low Price Today! 4. Otofonix - Best Options for Hearing Aids in USA & UK Custom hearing aids are the best but expensive. If cost isn't a concern, go for them. Yet, many individuals find the expense of personalized hearing aids to be a major obstacle in improving their auditory experience. A team of audiologists at the company conducted numerous hearing tests prior to creating the amplification profiles embedded in every Otofonix hearing aid. The hearing device experience rivals expensive aids at a fraction of the cost with advanced digital technologies, volume switch, and program selection buttons. Click Here to Get Otofonix Hearing Aids From Its Official website There are three popular models available. These are: 1. Elite - Affordable The Elite is ideal for mild to moderate hearing loss, offering superior sound quality and background noise reduction. Our advanced technology enhances speech clarity by reducing background noise, ensuring understanding in challenging listening environments. 2. Encore - Telecoil The Otofonix Encore Hearing Aid is ideal for individuals with challenges in hearing during one-on-one conversations, over distances, amidst background noise, and experiencing notable word clarity issues. Clear sound is guaranteed in any environment with advanced noise reduction technology. You can tailor your hearing experience to suit your specific needs with 3 programs, an additional Telecoil feature program, and 10 volume levels. 3. Helix - Rechargeable It is the newest, most popular and rechargeable hearing aid. The Helix ensures the best listening experience on the go. It is equipped with advanced noise cancellation and enhanced speech comprehension for complete auditory clarity regardless of ambient noise. Key Features of Good Hearing Aids 43 percent of hearing aid users prioritize smartphone compatibility when buying their current devices. Rechargeable batteries, deemed important by 31 percent, come in second place. Approximately 20% of users consider wireless connectivity or automatic noise level adjustments to be important features. Additional helpful features include: Telecoil A telecoil is a small sensor or copper wire found in many modern hearing aids, providing an option. It converts wireless magnetic signals from hearing-aid-compatible devices into sound. A hearing loop emits a signal for a telecoil to pick up, consisting of an audio induction loop of wire encircling the room or space. This technology aids individuals with hearing loss, facilitating improved comprehension of the speaker's voice by amplifying it and reducing background noise and reverberation. Request a manual T-switch from your provider to connect to loop systems. Your provider must activate and demonstrate telecoil usage. Directional Microphone Directional microphones in modern hearing aids amplify front audio more than back or side noise. This technology is most effective in close proximity to the sound source. Most hearing aids with this feature can automatically toggle between directional and omnidirectional settings based on the surroundings. Advanced versions can have rear or side focus. Con: Wind noise is easily picked up. Feedback Suppression Feedback suppression reduces high-pitched whistling sounds. Various hearing aids have this feature, but its effectiveness varies. It helps reduce feedback when you are near the phone or when the device moves slightly from your ear as you move your jaw. It can enhance ventilation, comfort, and audio quality for listeners with excellent low-frequency hearing. A correct fit can minimize feedback. Digital Noise Reduction This reduces background noise, improving listener comfort and communication in noisy environments. It enhances speech clarity but is not a solution for every circumstance. Best OTC Hearing Aids - Conclusion Hearing aids enhance your hearing through amplification and improved clarity. Hearing aids contain a microphone, an amplifier, and a receiver for improved sound transmission into the ear canal. Microphones send sound to a chip that enhances volume and corrects frequencies for better hearing. Analog aids are simpler and less prevalent than digital aids, but they offer the benefit of fewer advanced features. That can enhance their user-friendliness. A professional can calibrate a digital device for your hearing, reducing wind and background noise while adjusting it to your unique hearing loss. Hearing aids can wirelessly sync with your smartphone for caller, audio streaming, and app-based adjustment. The ideal device depends on factors like your hearing loss, lifestyle, and manual dexterity. Hearing aids that suit one person may not suit another, despite similar audiograms. Also note that hearing aids won't fully eliminate background noise, enabling you to solely hear the speaker(s). It will restore hearing, but not to normal levels. Finding the right hearing aid is difficult due to the potential variability in models, even within the same brand. Hopefully, this guide has offered you enough information to help you find a hearing aid source and identify important criteria for purchase. Contact Details Melissa

July 19, 2023 06:26 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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Medifast: Transforming Lives And Reshaping The Health & Wellness Industry


By Ernest Dela Aglanu, Benzinga The health and wellness industry has seen a surge in recent years, driven by increasing demand for health-focused products and services. Consumer awareness and interest has grown, viewing wellness through a broader lens encompassing fitness and nutrition as well as overall physical and mental health, and the importance of our well-being has been given more attention than ever. According to Vision Research Reports, the global health and wellness market is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 10.93% from 2023 to 2032. A recent survey* by Medifast (NYSE: MED), a leader in the health and wellness industry for more than 40 years, showed a shift in U.S. adults' spending habits and a prioritization of their health and well-being. The October 2022 survey of 2,000 adults found that despite changes to the broader macroeconomic environment, 70% of respondents do not plan on letting their health and well-being falter, with 57% saying they would spend more time on their health and well-being in 2023. Consumers are becoming more aware that daily activities – from eating nutritious foods and exercising to getting enough rest and reducing stress – are key components of a healthy lifestyle, creating an expanding market. This has caused a shift in consumer behavior toward purchasing in this category, and while they are spending a considerable amount of money on health and well-being, they’re also seeking solutions that fit into busy schedules to more easily integrate wellness into their routines. Additionally, technological advancements have enabled companies to develop innovative services and products, such as tracking apps and wearable devices that allow consumers to automatically monitor activity levels, heart rate and more – providing access to personalized behavioral data. Personalized Health And Wellness A closer look at the industry in 2023 and beyond shows consumer preference for personalized health and wellness experiences is likely to continue to grow. Both consumers and companies are continually realizing that physical, mental and emotional health are all interconnected and there is a growing understanding that each person is different, and a one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t always work. This is supported by Vesta, which reports that 58% of consumers are very interested in personalized supplements made just for them, with younger generations like Gen Z and millennials being most interested (71%). The need for personalized care has driven more Americans to build on conventional medicine and embrace holistic healthcare, be it for alleviating chronic pain, reducing stress or other benefits. The topic of personalized, holistic health and wellness seems to consistently bring one name to the forefront: Medifast – signaling that Medifast could be the stealth leader that has quietly flown under the radar for many investors. Medifast: Transforming Lives Unlike some of the other players, Medifast has been a leader in the health and wellness industry for more than 40 years, historically offering weight loss solutions through various channels, including doctors, e-commerce sites, weight control centers and independent coaches. But as consumers’ needs and the health and wellness industry changed, so has Medifast. Today, the health and wellness company is known for its habit based, coach-guided solution OPTA VIA. With a strong scientific and clinical heritage, Medifast draws on key insights, like the role of peer support and healthy habits, to evolve how they support people in their journeys – now exclusively through their independent OPTA VIA Coach model. Medifast’s OPTA VIA program offers scientifically developed products and clinically proven plans developed by physicians and scientists, focusing on habit creation in six key areas: weight management, eating and hydration, motion, sleep and energy management, mind, and surroundings. This is all backed by the support of a one-on-one coach and a broader community of people going through similar journeys. The company reports that it has impacted more than three million lives by helping customers build healthy habits. Through their community of coaches – about 90% of whom started as customers first – who help teach clients how to develop holistic healthy habits through the proprietary “Habits of Health Transformational System”, the company has disrupted the $8 billion weight management industry and is planning for its expansion into new frontiers and the broader $230 billion health and wellness space. Medifast reports that it has products under development it plans to announce this summer that will triple its addressable market. The company has grown exponentially in recent years not only because of the lives it has impacted but also due to its unique business model that sets it apart from the competition — boasting low capital expenditures, the potential for growth, a large addressable market, repeat purchases, and the scalability of a model that enables passionate customers to become coaches themselves. According to Medifast’s website, “Coaches are the lifeblood of our program — most of whom were customers first. Our coaches provide their clients with the education, encouragement and inspiration they need to develop healthy new habits while they potentially build a growing business that can transform their own lives.” OPTA VIA takes a simple yet comprehensive approach by helping people create habits holistically through small, simple behavioral changes. It is more about lifestyle than just diet – grounding wellness into daily practice with a focus on helping people improve their well-being. It’s a realistic plan that’s not only easy to fit into everyday life but is resonating with millions of people. A Brief Look At Some Of The Company’s Achievements ● The company has a community of more than 58,000 active earning coaches (reported as of Q1 2023) and has impacted more than three million lives to date. ● Medifast was recognized by the Financial Times as one of the top 500 companies in The Americas, based on its high compound annual revenue growth rate between 2018 and 2021 and was named to Forbes' 2022 list of America's Best Mid-Sized Companies, ranking 23 out of the 100 companies, based on earnings and sales growth, return on equity and total stockholder return for the latest 12 months and over the last five years. ● The company was previously recognized in 2020, 2021, and 2022 as one of FORTUNE's 100 Fastest-Growing Companies, and most recently, the only health and wellness company to make the list. ● Medifast’s annual revenue increased from $275 million in 2016 to $1.6 billion in 2022, a CAGR of over 34%, reflecting the relevance of the company’s offerings coupled with a proven approach of helping consumers build healthy habits for lifelong transformation. ● Medifast has a strong balance sheet with no long-term debt and $124M in cash and cash equivalents (reported as of Q1 2023), limited physical asset and capital expenditure needs, and a stock yield in the top 5% of all S&P 1500 companies. The company has also reduced its shares outstanding, through periodic buybacks, by 7% over the past 2 years. *This random double-opt-in online survey of 2,000 nationally representative U.S. Adults was commissioned by Medifast and conducted by a market research company, OnePoll, between October 20 and October 24, 2022. All participants are paid an amount depending on the length and complexity of the survey. The survey was overseen and edited by the OnePoll research team, who are members of the MRS and have corporate membership to ESOMAR and AAPOR. **Source Euromonitor International Limited; based on custom research conducted in Q2/2022; value sales for structured weight loss and meal replacement programs in 2021. Medifast (NYSE: MED) is the global company behind one of the fastest-growing health and wellness communities, OPTA VIA®, which offers scientifically developed products, clinically proven plans and the support of independent OPTA VIA Coaches and a Community to help Customers achieve Lifelong Transformation, One Healthy Habit at a Time®. As the publicly traded market leader by revenue in the U.S. $7 billion weight management industry, the company has impacted more than 2 million lives through its Community of OPTA VIA Coaches, who teach Customers how to develop holistic healthy habits through the proprietary Habits of Health® Transformational System. Medifast was recognized in 2022 as one of America's Best Mid-Sized Companies by Forbes, in 2020 and 2021 as one of FORTUNE's 100 Fastest-Growing Companies and was named to Forbes' 100 Most Trustworthy Companies in America list in 2017. This post contains sponsored advertising content. This content is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be investing advice. Contact Details Jessica Oring Company Website

July 18, 2023 09:25 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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US Department of Agriculture Has Launched Youth Program to Help “Defend the Flock”


Young people are the future of our poultry farming industry and more people have embraced raising chickens at home. That’s why the US Department of Agriculture has launched its Flock Defender Youth Program that includes online interactive games and educational materials to help people keep their birds healthy. The web site is also a great resource if you are new to poultry or already own birds. a video accomplaying the news release can be found here: Protecting the health and safety of our nation’s poultry must be a top priority for flock owners of all ages. The Flock Defender Youth Program is an extension of the Defend the Flock biosecurity awareness campaign and includes resources and activities for the next generation of poultry-keepers. Flock Defender is Biosecurity Outreach Effort Aimed at Youth and Student Audiences Youth are the future of our nation’s poultry farming and industry. The Flock Defender outreach program shares the agency’s existing Defend the Flock message that encourages and prepares all poultry owners to implement diligent biosecurity practices with future and aspiring growers. APHIS provides youth, students and their leaders parents, and teachers with many digital resources they can use during meetings, classes and when caring for their flocks. Biosecurity Education Kit Help future and aspiring poultry growers learn about biosecurity with the Biosecurity Education Kit. Youth leaders and teachers can use this guide which includes puzzles and worksheets to use at classes and club meetings. Online Biosecurity Game “Flock Facts: Test Your Knowledge” is an interactive game from USDA/APHIS that uses a simple format to help students become familiar with the basics of biosecurity. In this game, students will travel around a poultry farm and answer true or false questions related to biosecurity principles laid out by the National Poultry Improvement Plan. This game is recommended for grades 4-8. Biosecurity Workbook Whether you are new to poultry or already own birds, make poultry biosecurity an “every day, every time” practice. The Defend the Flock Biosecurity Workbook features seasonal tips and worksheets to create and record your personal biosecurity plan. The Defend the Flock Resource Center brings together biosecurity information and free resources from USDA and other experts, including growers, veterinarians, state agencies, scientists, and industry professionals, including checklists, resource guides, videos, and other tools. Contact Laura Febbi Diversity Marketing and Communications 973-377-0300 x15 Contact Details YourUpdateTV +1 212-736-2727

July 17, 2023 12:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time

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Sevita Named Among “America’s Best Employers for Diversity” by Forbes


Sevita, a leading national provider of home and community-based health care and support services, has been named by Forbes as one of “America’s Best Employers for Diversity” in 2023. The recognition was presented to organizations that have demonstrated progress in reducing racial and socioeconomic inequities in their workplaces and communities. This year’s recognition marks the third consecutive year Sevita has received this accolade. “We are honored to be recognized as a Best Place to Work for Diversity,” said Natasha Hudspeth, Sevita’s Vice President, Talent and Chief Diversity Officer. “This award is a testament to our commitment to our core values of integrity, respect, inclusion, and growth, which are at the heart of all that we do.” Hudspeth continued: “At Sevita, we believe diversity is a strength, and this continued recognition reaffirms our dedication to creating an environment where individuals are valued, respected, and provided equal opportunities to thrive at work and in the communities we call home. We understand that embracing diversity both enriches our culture and drives innovation, creativity, and success. This recognition further fuels our determination to continuously improve and cultivate an inclusive workplace where every team member can bring their whole self, share their unique perspective, and together, achieve remarkable growth.” According to Forbes and Statista Inc., the world-leading statistics portal and industry ranking provider, this year’s list was compiled using survey data “from approximately 45,000 U.S. employees working for companies with a minimum of 1,000 employees.” The evaluation was based on criteria including employee opinions on current workplace diversity as well as evaluation of other, comparator employers’ diversity efforts and best practices. This award comes off the heels of Sevita’s launch of its Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) and the expansion of its Inclusion Council, both of which are working to build a collaborative environment for Sevita employees. Sevita’s ERGs were established earlier this year with the goal of bringing employees together to connect around shared identities, experiences, and interests ranging from LGBTQIA+ team members and allies; DEIB; Veterans, Military Service Members, and Families; employees who have disabilities; and more. At the same time, Sevita’s Inclusion Council has since expanded to include seven state-based Inclusion Committees. “Sevita and the Inclusion Council have done an amazing amount of great work over the past year to strengthen our work community and show that employees should feel seen, heard, and valued,” said Inclusion Council co-chair Jennifer Allen, program director for NeuroRestorative, a member of the Sevita family. “The creation of local level inclusion committees and various employee resource groups are just some of the projects that are fostering opportunities for employees from across the country to connect, teach, learn, and grow both personally and professionally.” In addition to being recognized for diversity three years in a row, Sevita was also previously recognized by Forbes as one of “America’s Best Employers by State” in 2019 (then operating as The MENTOR Network). Learn more at _______ Sevita is hiring! Our employees are at the heart of what we do. They bring their care, compassion, and expertise to work each day to make our mission possible. We know that when we work from a shared mission and set of values, we can change lives for the better. Learn more about who we are and what it’s like to work at Sevita or start your application at Sevita is a leading provider of community-based specialized health care, inspired by our core values of respect, integrity, inclusion and growth. We provide people with quality services and individualized supports that lead to growth and independence, despite the physical, intellectual, or behavioral challenges they face. We’ve made this our mission for more than 50 years. Today our team members continue to innovate and enhance care for the 50,000+ individuals we serve. Contact Details Melissa Patricio Company Website

July 17, 2023 10:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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BioVie to present neurodegenerative research at Alzheimer’s Associate’s International Conference

BioVie Inc

BioVie Chief Medical Officer Dr. Joe Palumbo joins Natalie Stoberman from the Proactive newsroom to share how the company plans to present its research on neurodegenerative diseases at the Alzheimer’s Associate’s International Conference (AAIC) to be held in Amsterdam July 16-20. Dr. Palumbo says BioVie will showcase its NE3107 molecule and discuss how patients with clinical dementia treated with NE3107 for three months were able to see significant reductions in the level of DNA methylation and how the correlation of those reductions led to improvements in various cognitive measures. Dr. Palumbo explains that neuroinflammation, insulin resistance, and oxidative stress are common features in the major neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s Disease, dementia and ALS. He says NE3107 is an oral small molecule, blood-brain permeable, compound with potential anti-inflammatory, insulin sensitizing, and ERK-binding properties that may allow it to selectively inhibit ERK-, NFκB- and TNF-stimulated inflammation. NE3107’s potential to inhibit neuroinflammation and insulin resistance forms the basis for the company’s work testing the molecule in AD and PD patients. Contact Details Proactive USA +1 347-449-0879

July 13, 2023 04:26 PM Eastern Daylight Time

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NanoViricides testing oral gummy and syrup Covid-19 treatment - Proactive Research Analyst


Proactive research analyst John Savin speaks to Thomas Warner after releasing a new report on NanoViricides Inc (NYSE-A:NNVC), a development-stage company that is creating special-purpose nanomaterials for antiviral therapy. Savin gives an overview of what the company does, as well as its current operations and its financial situation. He highlights that NanoViricides is currently undertaking its first ever clinical trial, of an edible treatment for Covid-19 in India. Contact Details Proactive Investors +1 604-688-8158

July 13, 2023 08:31 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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Symbiome Partners with THG Ingenuity to Scale E-Commerce Offerings


Symbiome, a leading microbiome-nourishing skincare company, has announced a partnership with THG Ingenuity – an end-to-end direct-to-consumer (DTC) partner of choice for brands looking to connect with consumers through a multichannel commerce approach. The collaboration will focus on leveraging THG’s extensive reach to expand Symbiome’s offering globally. “Right now, nearly all our customers are in America. THG’s global footprint, and end-to-end platform, will allow us to seamlessly fulfill into Europe, the Middle East, and throughout the South-East Asian region,” said Adam Klausner, Symbiome’s Chief Operating Officer. According to Lane Barrocas, THG’s Vice President of eCommerce for North America, THG is experiencing a significant uptick of interest by consumers shopping for science-based skincare, particularly in the microbiome vertical. “Our partnership with Symbiome will allow them to quickly, efficiently and profitably grow and scale their DTC business, while helping to build brand awareness and creating a halo-effect, as they expand into other points of distribution within the market.” About Symbiome Symbiome is a San Francisco-based microbiome biotechnology company focusing on health and wellness. They are the developers of the Symbiome ® brand of BioIntact ® fermented skincare products that nourish and protect the skin and its microbiome, restoring what our skin has lost in the modern world. Symbiome has sponsored three international academic research expeditions deep into the Amazon rainforest, defining an evolutionary reference for the microbiome and transforming our understanding of the healthy human microbiome. Symbiome scientists have translated this groundbreaking research into a line of unique, proprietary skincare products formulated with naturally fermented, Amazonian botanicals. The brand's skincare lineup includes ten clean, organic, sustainable, and traceable products — each with less than eight ingredients. Learn more about Symbiome, and follow Symbiome on Instagram, LinkedIn and Facebook. About THG Ingenuity THG Ingenuity is a unified commerce platform with full stack technology, digital and operations omnichannel capabilities, parented by THG Holdings plc, a vertically integrated, digital-first consumer brands group, retailing its own brands plus third-party brands, via its e-commerce technology, infrastructure, and brand-building expertise. Contact Details BPCM Ali Taekman Company Website

July 12, 2023 09:30 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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