A Very Important Change Is Coming for Airplane Bathrooms
A video accompanying this announcement is available at: https://youtu.be/g4fqkbuzqjA The Department of Transportation (DOT) is making larger single-aisle airplanes more accessible by requiring accessible lavatories for people with disabilities. While this rule will be implemented over the coming years, it is a monumental achievement for the disability civil rights movement. Under previous standards, people who use wheelchairs have no way to access the restroom on single-aisle aircraft. They are forced them to dehydrate themselves, or even soil themselves, before flights – causing major bodily harm! Over the past 75 years, Paralyzed Veterans of America (PVA) has led the fight for accessibility — and air travel is no different. PVA helped pass the landmark legislation to first make air travel accessible over 35 years ago, and they played an integral role in securing accessible airplane lavatories. They continue to advocate for additional reforms that will ensure a safe, dignified air travel experience for people with disabilities. So, what does this new rule mean for the future of accessible air travel? And what else is needed to make the air travel experience fully accessible for people with disabilities? Now is an opportunity for your audience to learn more about the new rule and the ways Paralyzed Veterans of America (PVA) has helped secure this monumental achievement, and how they continue to advocate for other meaningful reforms related to the upcoming renewal of the Federal Aviation Administration. A nationwide media tour was conducted featuring Chief Policy Officer at Paralyzed Veterans of America, Heather Ansley discussing the new lavatory rule and additional reforms that must be made to make air travel fully accessible through the reauthorization of the FAA. Additional topics that were discussed included: What the new Department of Transportation rules will do. What this means for the disability community. Why this DOT rule was desperately needed. The reasons why air travel is so far behind basic standards. What else needs to be done to ensure air travel is accessible. PVA remains on the forefront of the disability civil rights movement – fighting for stronger ADA enforcement, expanding support for home-based care, and more. To join PVA’s fight for greater enforcement of the ADA, visit PVA.org/ADA, or for air travel, visit PVA.org/AirTravel. About Paralyzed Veterans of America Paralyzed Veterans of America is a 501(c)(3) non-profit and the only congressionally chartered veterans service organization dedicated solely for the benefit and representation of veterans with spinal cord injury or diseases. The organization ensures veterans receive the benefits earned through service to our nation; monitors their care in VA spinal cord injury units; and funds research and education in the search for a cure and improved care for individuals with paralysis. As a life-long partner and advocate for veterans and all people with disabilities, PVA also develops training and career services, works to ensure accessibility in public buildings and spaces, and provides health and rehabilitation opportunities through sports and recreation. With more than 70 offices and 33 chapters, Paralyzed Veterans of America serves veterans, their families, and their caregivers in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. Learn more at PVA.org. Contact Details YourUpdateTV +1 212-736-2727 yourupdatetv@gmail.com
September 25, 2023 10:40 AM Eastern Daylight Time