St. Supéry to Highlight Leading Philanthropic Entrepreneurs With #GivingTuesday Chats
St. Supéry Estate Vineyards & Winery
Join St. Supéry CEO, Emma Swain and leaders of three exceptional organizations in November. On zoom or the winery’s social platforms, find out how these top Philanthropic Entrepreneurs address critical issues of health care, land conservation, education, and social equity. All sessions will be nationally broadcasted as a podcast series. St. Supéry, a philanthropic leader and estate winery in the Napa Valley, spreads inspiration by spotlighting the innovative and creative solutions these organizations are deploying locally, nationally, and globally. Winery CEO, Emma Swain states, “Only one day of Giving in November isn’t enough. Some people just watch change happen in the world, and there are leaders who create that change. Meet these Philanthropic Entrepreneurs who are improving the world for generations to come. We know they will inspire you and bring joy to your day.” Hear from Doug Parker, President & CEO of Land Trust Napa County (Nov. 8 th at 4 PM), Brett deLeuze, President of ZD Wines with The deLeuze Family Endowed Professorship (Nov. 15 th at 4 PM), & Kim Mazzuca, President & CEO of 10,000 Degrees® (Nov. 22 nd at 4 PM). All of these special organizations focus on enriching our community and beyond. November 8 th, 46 Years of Saving Land in Napa with Doug Parker, President & CEO of Land Trust of Napa County This local nonprofit works cooperatively with landowners and our community, protecting agricultural land, water resources, wildlife and wildlife corridors, scenic open space, forests, ranches, wildflower meadows and native biodiversity throughout Napa County. They permanently protect land through conservation easements and direct land acquisition to limit future development in critical environments. By carefully prioritizing their activities, the Land Trust continually expands the network of conservation lands that provide clean water, wildlife habitat and corridors, thriving agricultural lands, and access to nature for all those who live in and visit the Napa Valley. November 15 th, The deLeuze Family Endowed Professorship with Brett deLeuze, President of ZD Wines This professorship fund is established to recognize and further promote the outstanding research approach of Dr. Joseph Tuscano and the UC Davis Cancer Center in pursuing a non-toxic cure for lymphoma that will have widespread availability for lymphoma patients. When a cure for lymphoma is found, this fund will be designated toward non-toxic cures in perpetuity. November 22 nd, 10,000 Degrees® with Kim Mazzuca, President & CEO Believe. Partner. Connect. Since 1981, this leading California equity-focused scholarship provider and college success nonprofit has helped more than 20,000 students from low-income backgrounds achieve their college dreams, and now reach more than 12,000 students and their families each year. The St. Supéry #GivingTuesday sessions are free to join. Grab a glass and toast these innovative programs and creative fundraising efforts. Start your inspiration with a glass of St. Supéry wines from the wine giveback series, knowing that each four-bottle assortment provides $50 to your choice of featured organization. Continue your inspiration with a donation to one of these organizations and reward yourself with the offer below: Wine and travel aficionados are encouraged to plan their next trip to the Napa Valley around giving back. Select the cause and date of your preference and join Emma and up to 20 other generous individuals for intimate summer Giving Back Estate Luncheons paired with its estate wines for $500 per person. Note St. Supéry in your direct donation to the featured charity to join the fun! June 16, 2023 | 10,000 Degrees® June 23, 2023 | The deLeuze Family Endowed Professorship Chef, Jill deLeuze Billeci of ZD Winery will join St. Supéry Estate Chef for this luncheon. Wine pairings from both, St. Supéry Winery and ZD Winery. June 30, 2023 | Land Trust of Napa County Get the zoom links to join the #GivingTuesday Chats and find out more about the wine giveback sets at https://www.stsupery.com/givingtuesday/ Previous giving Tuesday conversations included Oceans 2050, One Mind Institute, Humanity Showers, Primo Center, Aim High, and Voices of our City. They are available on our Podcast channel: https://tinyurl.com/past-giving-Tuesday-chats. About St. Supéry Estate Vineyards & Winery St. Supéry, a CHANEL owned winery, is one of the rare 100% estate grown wineries and is a Certified Napa Green Winery and Vineyards. It is located in the renowned Rutherford growing region in the heart of Napa Valley. The winery specializes in sauvignon blanc and red Bordeaux varietals. St. Supéry Press Kit and posted press release: https://stsupery.com/trade-media/press/ St. Supéry Giving Tuesday images: https://tinyurl.com/St-Supery-Giving-Tuesday St. Supéry images: https://tinyurl.com/St-Supery-Images ### St. Supéry Estate Vineyards & Winery · 8440 St. Helena Hwy. · PO Box 38 · Rutherford, CA 94573 Web stsupery.com · Phone 707.963.4507 · Fax 707.963.4526 Contact Details For more information, contact Annie Watterson annie@stsupery.com
November 04, 2022 05:00 PM Pacific Daylight Time